Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting, 26 years old, under $25

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I was arrested for shoplifting on Friday afternoon. The store is choosing to press charges because the clerk seems to think that I had stolen a large amount from her before. Although it wasn't me, she's convinced that it was and is pressing charges for items that didn't total over $25. I was taken to jail where I was released after my 8 hours. As I was leaving, the booking officer gave me a slip with a judge's name and the time to be there and such (it's this Wednesday). He said that it was basically just like a ticket and that I wouldn't be serving any jail time. But since the store is pressing charges, I'm not sure that what he said is entirely correct. When I show up on Wednesday, what should I expect? I'm a first-time offender with not so much as a ticket on my record. I'm handling this all on my own and, since I've never been in trouble before or known anyone who has been, I'm a little scared and I don't know what to do or expect at this point. So, what happens now?
Do not do this on your own! You do not know the law, DA or, Judge! Seek help from an Attorney and ask that Attorney about Diversion
When I said I was doing it alone, I only meant that my family isn't helping me out or anything. I'm trying not to get any of them involved in this, hoping that I can take care of it. I live in Texas, by the way. I forgot to mention that. I'm just curious as to what comes next. Is Wednesday my arraignment or am I just paying the fine to the county clerk at that time? Will I receive something in the mail? Are they going to search my house for the stuff that she thinks I took before, or are they only concerned with the stuff that I actually took and was recovered?
I can tell you that you are being arraigned Wed. Other than that I can't say. Unless the Police were given evidence that suggests or shows other thefts I doubt they will pursue these other alledge thefts
You a gambling man? If not then plead not guilty and ask for Public Defender
Well how long do these things usually take? And how do I find a public defender? I just found out that they thought some of my other stuff was stolen but the clerk from the bookstore said he wasn't going to do anything because he didn't see me take it, but they made a note of it. I shouldn't have thrown out my receipt I guess. Is that going to make things worse? Will the judge even bother with that?
They arent bothering with it so you need only worry about what you were caught with. Once you ask for Public Defender Judge will set new court date and instruct you what to do next. Once you meet with Public defender you can discuss your plea options. Unless your fighting charge your next court should be your last
Even if the store decides not to press charges, will the process still be the same? About how long after my arraignment will my court date be? Is it ok to go to my arraignment alone? Will the employee from the store have to be there? Will I have to testify or anything? I'm currently in the middle of another lawsuit for a mva, so will this effect that? Can anyone contact my employer? What punishment might I receive? I know you can't tell me for certain, but what should I expect? A ton of questions, I know. My apologies. I'm kinda freaking out about it though. Man, I was dumb. I hate not knowing what to expect. Thanks so much for all of your help so far!
Even if the store decides not to press charges
Store has already pressed charges thats why yo have a court date
will the process still be the same?
See above reply
About how long after my arraignment will my court date be?
It varies count on about a month
Is it ok to go to my arraignment alone?
If your hiring a Anttorney bring him if not this is when you ask for Public Defender
Will the employee from the store have to be there?
Can't say but some stores pay their staff to be in court if need be
Will I have to testify or anything?
That is up to your Lawyer
I'm currently in the middle of another lawsuit for a mva, so will this effect that?
Can anyone contact my employer?
There would be no need for that. However the case is a matter of public record so tis not tough to find out. Not to mention anyone who knows you and tells
What punishment might I receive? I know you can't tell me for certain, but what should I expect?
Ask your Lawyer that is one person in best poistion to answer that
So I shouldn't worry too much, even though it's written down that I was stealing from two different places, and the clerk accused me of stealing before? I know you pretty much already told me but I'm worried that the judge will see that and think that this is something I do on a regular basis. I'm just trying not to freak out. I'm ok with community service, fines, and probation. I'd rather not have them but I expect them. I'm hoping it won't be any worse than that. It's going on my permanent record, right?
I know I know. I'm probably being overly dramatic here. I'm just scared since I don't know what to expect. I know they won't charge me with the others, but I'm worried that the accusations will weigh on the judge's decision.
No, all I have is the original citation and my release paper saying to see a judge at 9 am on Wednesday. Ugh I'm so freaked out. I hate this. How does one get a straight judgement of deferrment? Does that mean that they went to their arraignment with an attorney? Do you think I'm eligible for deferrment?
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