Shoplifting Tickets/ please help

Thank you so much for your feedback, but is jail possible this time?

You can't keep breaking their laws, especially while one case is pending and you go out and reoffend.

Judges hate to see that behavior, and prosecutors love it, because it makes it easier to get that pound of flesh.

My point is, she can't keep stealing.
Little stones you collect in a bucket eventually will fill the bucket.

Please reason with her and see that she gets help.
She has a few problems, and I suspect stealing is but one of many monsters she's fighting. Help her, mate, she's your friend.
I have a friend who is the Director of the NASP they have an Anti Shoplifting program she can do online. I suggested this to clients many times. In one case my client took course and showed Judge completion document. Judge was so pleased he dismissed case on the spot no probation just dismissed! Cannot say same will happen but it cannot hurt. Site is They are a "not for profit" group
I have a friend who is the Director of the NASP they have an Anti Shoplifting program she can do online. I suggested this to clients many times. In one case my client took course and showed Judge completion document. Judge was so pleased he dismissed case on the spot no probation just dismissed! Cannot say same will happen but it cannot hurt. Site is They are a "not for profit" group
she has done that already, and they decreased $100 from her ticket, but she didn't know that the police is ever gonna file the case against her since is already been 5 months for that, he just field the case against her last week, and her other case is closed she is really regretted for that behavior and that's why she took the program that you just mentioned right away after she got caught for the second time. I am just trying to help her as much as I can because she has nobody else to help her. out.

Thank you guys for the responses, I really appreciate it
she has done that already, and they decreased $100 from her ticket, but she didn't know that the police is ever gonna file the case against her since is already been 5 months for that, he just field the case against her last week, and her other case is closed she is really regretted for that behavior and that's why she took the program that you just mentioned right away after she got caught for the second time. I am just trying to help her as much as I can because she has nobody else to help her. out.

Thank you guys for the responses, I really appreciate it

You're welcome, moon. Pease keep us posted and help her as much as you can.
Hello Mr. Army Judge
I just wanted to follow up with you regarding the same issue. she just got a written notice aaying that she needs to appear in the court, and do a fingerprint becuase she had a shoplifting ticket that hasn't been field against her until couple days ago. she did a fingerprint for the other shoplifting and she is paying the fine, but she just got this notice. she is very worried and doesn't know what to do please any advice we will appreciate that

If she would stop shoplifting, she wouldn't have to be worried. She needs to talk to her public defender & only to the PD.
If she would stop shoplifting, she wouldn't have to be worried. She needs to talk to her public defender & only to the PD.
She stopped stealing, and she took the antishoplifting program two months ago, she never knew that this case would be filled against her since is been 5 months,

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