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New Member
New Jersey
I was arrested for shoplifting this morning at ShopRite. The food totaled $33.59. The man who stopped me said I have been doing this for a couple months about 8 or 9 times and wants to file complaints for all of those as well. I was only charged with what I took today and have to appear in municipal court next week. Can I get this off my record if I pay fines? Will I get into more trouble for the past instances? I work as an aide in an elementary school and this is my first time offense. I am trying to get help when my health insurance kicks in next month. Do I plead guilty? I have no lawyer or public defender and am very cooperative. Please help.
Plead NOT guilty, ADMIT TO NTHING, give no statements, and stop talking about this.

After you plead NOT guilty in court, ask the judge to appoint a public defender to represent you.

Talk ONLY to YOUR lawyer.

From this point forward, OBEY ALL OF THEIR LAWS.

Don't get something as small as a parking ticket, behave yourself, and be as quiet as a church mouse.

Patience grasshopper, patience.

Silence is your friend.
They have me on video I guess from the other times I have stolen. I am scared and not sure what to do. I don't want to plead not guilty because I'm afraid I'll get into more trouble. Plus I already admitted to stealing. My parents don't even know yet because I'm afraid to tell them. I wanted to try to get this straightened out by myself. I'm not sure what to do.
They have me on video I guess from the other times I have stolen. I am scared and not sure what to do. I don't want to plead not guilty because I'm afraid I'll get into more trouble. Plus I already admitted to stealing. My parents don't even know yet because I'm afraid to tell them. I wanted to try to get this straightened out by myself. I'm not sure what to do.

Are you under age 18?

If you are, NOTHING will be disposed of until mom and dad are involved.

If you're an adult, you need a lawyer.
If you plead GUILTY, you'll regret it.
Either way, be prepared to LOSE your job.
If you plead GUILTY, your world will be rocked.
If you're convicted, your world MIGHT still be rocked.

You've made a mess for yourself.
You need a lawyer.
Hire one, plead NOT guilty and ask the court to appoint one to help you!!!!

If you're a minor,you need a lawyer, too.
You can't get one until mom or dad approve.
If you fail to tell mm and dad, the prosecutor will.
You will at some point get a public defender as you work your way through this.
The past instances likely aren't going to hurt you.
Don't be so anxious to cooperate- that will lead to the worst possible outcome for you. Don't admit to anything, and stop talking about this altogether until you have an attorney to discuss it with.
You likely have a very good chance to handle this without generating a criminal record, assuming it is a first offense, but not if you plead guilty and rush through it.
I was told that I should go to court and ask for a public defender. Do I plead not guilty? And what happens after that?
I'm just afraid they are going to charge me for the other times I have stolen, and they probably will. Is there any way to not get that on my record and if it does, can I get it removed so I have a clean record? I am getting help ASAP.
I am a retail theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. If they add the other thefts you could face felony charges! You need to shut your mouth and speak to no one other than your Lawyer. Plead NOT guilty and request public defender. Once you meet with this Lawyer you can discuss your defense and/or plea options. Be sure to ask about ACD or Diversion (if an option) to protect your record
What if I have admitted to stealing, but they haven't arrested me for those times but have me on camera?
What if I have admitted to stealing, but they haven't arrested me for those times but have me on camera?

You didn't commit MURDER, did you?

This isn't as hard as you're making it.

You should have used reluctance when you were STEALING.

Sorry, we can't say the judge will smile at you like a grandmother, hug you, kiss you on your cheek, pat you on your head, and whisper in your ear, "Dearest child, I forgive you. Go forth and sin no more, precious child. You're free, your record has been cleansed."

You have been offered options.

You're free to ignore the options, and take your advice.

Good luck.
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