Should I disclose a one-month job that ended badly

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I had a job for only a month when I resigned (while still on probation) because I realised it wasn't the job I wanted. I was misquoted by someone who knew the supervisor on the reasons why I had resigned and was subsequently accused of bad-mouthing the organisation. The supervisor got very defensive and started accusing me of little incidents during my work there, although prior to the gossip she was very friendly toward me. Now I do not want to list this job or the supervisor on job applications. Am I legally bound to do so? I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone, so the problem is compounded. I feel I have already lost out on some jobs because of this incident, but I have no proof of it. Prior to this incident I have an impeccable record job-wise and character-wise (unfortunately that was in my past in another country). You can say I have got off on the wrong foot in this country. Please advise me what I should do regarding this one-month job experience when I apply for other jobs. Thank you.
If you live in a small town where everyone knows everyone, chances are pretty good that a lot of people know you worked there, right? That being the case, leaving it off your applications could be deadly to your chances of a new job. A lie of omission is still a lie, and if your prospective employers know, or find out, that you omitted an employer from your application, that's considered falsification of your application and can result in your not being hired. Or fired, if they find out after the fact.

I'm not saying that leaving a one-month job off your application is necessarily a bad thing. I'm saying that in the specific circumstances you have described, leaving the job off is likely to do you more harm than including it. You would be better off including the job and explaining that it was not a good fit for you, than you would be leaving it off altogether.

In my opinion.
Thank you for your response. I think you are right. I thought the same thing -but I fear that my chances will be close to nil once I put that job in. It's just such a pity this had to happen you know.
If you live in a small town where everyone knows everyone, chances are pretty good that a lot of people know you worked there, right? That being the case, leaving it off your applications could be deadly to your chances of a new job. A lie of omission is still a lie, and if your prospective employers know, or find out, that you omitted an employer from your application, that's considered falsification of your application and can result in your not being hired. Or fired, if they find out after the fact.

I'm not saying that leaving a one-month job off your application is necessarily a bad thing. I'm saying that in the specific circumstances you have described, leaving the job off is likely to do you more harm than including it. You would be better off including the job and explaining that it was not a good fit for you, than you would be leaving it off altogether.

In my opinion.
Thank you again for your answer. I'd still like to know if it is considered illegal (as in a criminal offence) not to include this job in job applications. A month ago I submitted a job application and excluded this information. Should I write them a note now to say I made a mistake in my application and amend my resume to include that job? Thanks.
No, it is not illegal to omit it. It's just a very bad idea that can, legally, result in your losing jobs on the basis of a falsified application.

Calling them to say you were "mistaken" in your application now, though, would just call attention to the omission which might otherwise be overlooked. In your shoes I wouldn't omit any it from any more applications but for the ones where you've already omitted it, I'd trust to luck.
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