Should I get an investigator?

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I'm unfortunate in a bad situation. my now ex partner has got me charged with something that I did not do at all and I'm very scared and worried. I've had no support or guidance at all.
This will go to trial now.
I have also just found out that she has been trying to contact a couple of my friends (female) to get them on her side..... and to make a statement against me for something I didn't do, and that they werent even involved in anything or know about her.

Anyway to the point, would anyone have any knowledge or experience with hiring an investigator who deals with criminal defence cases? The reason for this is because I have nothing to show my innocence and its more of a she said he said scenario.

I also have a worst bunch of solicitors/lawyers who don't give a damn. Their work is very poor and said that my defence has been completed already, this is WELL before the plea hearing at the court and they have only seen me for 2 hours.

Would an intelligence/investigator help me in preparing my defence in much more depth?
What about him interviewing or taking statements from my friends or tracing down my exs' husband and maybe getting a statement from him? Apperently she was in an abusive relationship with the husband whom she had 2 kids with.

But would all this help me?
hmmm well i wasnt aware even though I selected that the question relates to the UK law.... but still, it shouldnt matter about which country but rather about the real core of the question
Firehawk. I know you are scared and you want reassurance. Listen to your attorney. Your case sounds pretty thin to me. I can't imagine that you will be convicted. Get your attorney and listen to him/her. Good luck.
If you are not happy with your solicitor, get another one. This is your life not a game (as I'm sure you realize). Good luck.
I'm not saying to treat this case lightly, but I am saying that I don't think you have a very strong case against you. Good luck though.
I agree my friend I do. I'm just obviously worried and what not because anything can happen. I take such accusations seriously (as should anyone) and even though it may sound light, still want all shields to be up to protect me.

also found out this weekend that she tried to make one of my friends to make a statement against me! What a biatch (excuse the french. She always said that she is not a biatch but this proves it!)

what relevance would my friend have to this or anything? Nothing! Especially when they have NEVER met or spoke to each other but only once by email, which was a nasty email sent to my friend by her for goodness knows why.

my friend also said that she seemed to be exaggerating in things such as her having panic buttons around her house :rolleyes: but also was trying to make herself believe that the incident happened......but of course, likes to blame others for her mistakes which she cannot see or justify.
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