Should I have reported this?

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I don't actually know the (for a lack of a better word at the moment) "Rules" for situations like this. This actually happened two years ago, but right now I'm just curious..

I was referred to a job by a friend that I went to high school with at a Jewelry Store that had predominantly Filipino employees (btw, I'm half Filipino). I went in to interview started off fine and then here was one of the exchanges:

Manager: "Are you Filipino?"
Me: "Yes, I'm half"
Manager: "Okay Good. We're all Filipinos here"

Then she carried on with the interview.

Even though I am Filipino, the question made me feel very uncomfortable with the fact that she asked me this in the interview. I decided that I didn't want to work for someone who was going to ask a question about someone's race so I just forgot about the place (Which, for two whole months she kept calling me over and over again even though I had told her I got hired someplace else--to which she became angry with me when I told her and she kept harassing me but that another story)

I'm just wondering if I should have reported this or something and if she has the right to even ask someone that kind of question.

I know I'll regret not saying anything if I should have, but I've been wondering this for a while..
Maybe the Manager was just too excited to see a filipino applicant. Filipino's are famous for being too hospitable and not too technical about things.
There really was nothing to report. The manager was unwise but did not violate any laws. If you had been DENIED employment based on your race, then I'd be saying yes, you should have reported it, but you did not receive any adverse treatment because of your race so there was no illegal discrimination.
illegal questions in interviews and advertisements are common -yes this is an "illegal question" however reporting it will have no outcome but usably it is wise to ask your self if you want to work for a company who will ask an "illegal question" any question regarding race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, or method of transportation is illegal to post in an advertisement and at an interview. but once again reporting it would do nothing -so your ok :)
Sibee is incorrect. It is not illegal to ask about race, etc; it is only illegal to use the answers in making the hiring decisions.

A wise employer will not ask because if they don't ask, they can't be accused of using the information illegally. But it is not the question that is illegal - it is the potential use of the answer.
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