Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Should I still pay restitution ?

Well I did it's my mistake I'm paying for and I'll be paying it off by next week so I can continue to live my life . Stop acting like you all are perfect! Bc your not each one of you have a dark secret your still facing and it can't be destroyed. Just be happy I shared so you all can feel like your doing something right by commenting. I'm only single bc I lost my fiancé in combat and trust me I'm working every bit to make sure my children are fine and dandy. Before you try to read my life read yours bc I promise you you will never ever be Perfect

No one here ever said they were perfect. I know I'm not and I know I will never be. However, I can tell you one thing, in my entire life I have never once taken money that didn't belong to me or even thought about it. Stupid mistakes, yeah, I've made plenty of those, but never anything even remotely criminal. And believe it or not, it hasn't been that hard to make it to the age of 62 without committing a crime...not even when I was young & stupid, or when I was a single mom with a limited income. That's why I expressed incredulity when you said "what college student wouldn't take the money out?"

I have worked in banking for my entire career and while I have seen errors made a number of times where money was deposited into the wrong account, in every case I can think of, the person whose account was credited in error didn't take the money. So it would seem that you are the exception rather than the rule.
Honey, if you can't tell the difference between Yale and Harvard, no matter where you live or where you grew up, I don't believe for one moment that you attended either one. I am on the Harvard campus every working day of my life and there's no one here who's going to accidentally call it Yale. And the very large majority of students on both campuses are honest and will report money directed to their account in error. Not use it.

If you're dishonest about where you went to school, there's no reason to believe you were anything but dishonest about the money in your account. EVEN IF the bank deposited it in your account by accident, the moment you used the first dollar of it, you committed a crime.

If the court ordered that you pay restitution, then you pay restitution. What someone else may or may not have been ordered to do in THEIR case, has nothing at all to do with yours. If you are somehow imagining that since they (allegedly) were not ordered to pay, you cannot be so ordered, you are sadly mistaken. You pay until a court says you don't pay any more.
Stop acting like you all are perfect! one here is acting like he or she is perfect. Again, you're the one who came here and told us that you committed a crime and took a plea bargain and have been paying restitution but then whined that "It's not fair" and implied that anyone in your position would have been similarly dishonest. We're doing nothing but calling you out for your bullshit. If you had simply asked your question and not made those comments, this thread would be much shorter.

each one of you have a dark secret your still facing and it can't be destroyed.

This is about you, not anyone else.

Stop whining about the consequences of your own bad choices, stop deflecting, and move on.
Perhaps the people you speak of that never paid the debt back sat their time out in jail. That practice Used to be done here in Ohio.. Inmates could sit out a fine in jail at the rate of $50 A day

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First off I can apply for a pardon and second of all I was in college at Harvard here in new haven bank apparently made a glitch and yes what college student won't take the money out

Um normal sane ones who don't want a felony on their record...if I ever got any type of deposit into my account and had no prior knowledge of expecting it I would contact the bank. ASAP. I would not touch it. I would probably move it to my savings so I wouldn't spend it and leave it there for the bank to sort out.
Well I did it's my mistake I'm paying for and I'll be paying it off by next week so I can continue to live my life . Stop acting like you all are perfect! Bc your not each one of you have a dark secret your still facing and it can't be destroyed. Just be happy I shared so you all can feel like your doing something right by commenting. I'm only single bc I lost my fiancé in combat and trust me I'm working every bit to make sure my children are fine and dandy. Before you try to read my life read yours bc I promise you you will never ever be Perfect

No one on here said he or she is perfect. Far from it. But none of us would spend money that doesn't belong to us. Especially if it could lead to a felony charge.

I have no dark secrets. I have no criminal record. I have never been arrested. I have had a couple parking tickets that's it.

You should seek some counseling. You have issues.

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