Showing a reasonable doubt for a speeding ticket in Ohio

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I'm cheering for the other side.
It is a shame that you would waste the court's time and taxpayer money when you obviosuly know you were exceeding the speed limit.
Just pay the fine and be done with it... and stop speeding.

The officer won't mind court one bit. He will probably be getting paid overtime while he is in court. Odds are that you will make a fool of yourself trying to question the officer as you likely will not know the correct answers yourself. Now if you wanted to bring in a radar expert to testify on your behalf that might be different... but I suspect you won't find one that will lie in court for you.
This case is going to trial, the state has the burden of proof. I will try to find a reasonable doubt. I have a physics professor Ph.D standing by that will testify high voltage electromagnetic energy can cause interference with microwave signals. We will let the judge decide.

I came to this forum thinking there would be people friendly to pro se actions and the rights of the people to pursue their constitutional rights. Instead I find pro goverment, California commy, leftwinger women. You women are just as a previous poster said, irrelevant.
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I came to this forum thinking there would be people friendly to pro se actions and the rights of the people to pursue their constitutional rights.

I am. I think you will lose. You would be better served by hiring a "lets make a deal" lawyer and trying to get the charge amended to something lame like "failure to present registration", since you likely never gave the officer your trailer registration when he asked for the registration. This bypasses the federal anti-masking law legally.
trailer registration? anti-masking? This is a simple speeding ticket you idiots. Would a moderator please kill this thread. It has dissolved into nothing useful.
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