
Summer is gone, it's the glorious fall season with the cooler temperatures, fall tree color, and anticipation of end of the year major holidays.
Weather's been odd... We've been bouncing between mid-40s and low- to mid-70s. 72 for Halloween???

Fall foliage has been disappointing up here this Fall... Quick color change and leaves falling more quickly than usual. Aah well... there's always next year! Hopefully, it will be a snowful winter!
what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I did have a prostitute try and pick me up in the casino walk through at Caesar's Palace to the elevators for the rooms. It did my ego good that I can still get the ladies even if they are pay to play.

Everything and do mean everything is available in Vegas. It is a place that is cool to visit but being there would be very boring. Plus the heat, and the lack of water plus lots of gold diggers makes for a very strange place. Walk over, around and through the homeless zombies littering the landscape.
Wow. One would think that it would be the ladies one doesn't have to pay that would boost one's ego.

Everything costs, including my current wife. I have known lots of women and not one has ever paid for my meal. Yet I have picked up the check every-time whether it led to another date or anything further contact. I take that back my current wife has bought he a meal a few times.

I have spent 100s of thousand of dollars on women. While it isn't quid pro quo it is what it is. You find me a woman that doesn't want nice cars, houses, and jewelry? all want that whether they say it or not.
Everything and do mean everything is available in Vegas.

Available, yes. But not all of it is legal. In the city of the Las Vegas prostitution is not legal, despite the popular perception to the contrary. The city is located in Clark County, which has a population of over 2.3 million. In Nevada state law only allows prostitution in state licensed brothels and no such brothels may be licensed in a county with a population of 700,000 or more. Even in counties where it's permitted it's highly regulated. Picking up that hooker in the Vegas casino would have been a crime. It is not a city where anything goes, as a number of unlucky visitors discover every year when they are arrested for doing things that they assumed were legal in Vegas.

By the way, that hooker was likely much more interested in your money than your looks. That's not to imply anything about your looks, but only that the reaction of a prostitute isn't going to be the best measure of it.

Water is becoming an ever more critical issue for all the desert states of the southwest. Deserts do not naturally support large populations; the water has to be piped in from elsewhere and the places where that water comes from also have increasing water use needs. It'll be interesting to see if the states that are party to the Colorado River water compact will be able to come to agreement over how that water is to be shared. The compact expires in 2026 and if the states do not come to agreement the federal Bureau of Reclamation, a part of the U.S. Department of the Interior, will impose its own plan. The first draft of its plan is expected to be publicly released by the end of this year.
Gee TC, you are correct she did just want my money. I would have had a hard time bringing her up to our suite at Caesars with my wife in the room. It would have been awkward to say the least but actually I am not a bad looking guy just older and 100 lbs heavier than I use to be. I was just impressed that I could still draw interest.

I was just impressed that I could still garner interest but she was beautiful and I knew what she wanted. I went upstairs to my wife and just grinned and smiled on the way to the elevator.
Everything costs, including my current wife. I have known lots of women and not one has ever paid for my meal. Yet I have picked up the check every-time whether it led to another date or anything further contact. I take that back my current wife has bought he a meal a few times.

I have spent 100s of thousand of dollars on women. While it isn't quid pro quo it is what it is. You find me a woman that doesn't want nice cars, houses, and jewelry? all want that whether they say it or not.
Again, if you need to pay for a womans/mans "affection", it really isn't an ego boost.

And I hope you don't tell your wife you consider her to be no better than a whore. :(

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