Skeeters May Soon No Longer Suck Human Blood

army judge

Super Moderator
I am lucky - I already am basically invisible to mosquitos. I got it from my dad, he said if one did happen to land on him and suck his blood, it would pretty much keel over on the spot.

That's not to say other insects don't bother me, when I had a cat who had fleas years ago I found out those little bloodsuckers absolutely love me and I reacted badly to their bites, but at least when I'm out in nature I don't get eaten alive by mosquitos like some people do.
I am lucky - I already am basically invisible to mosquitos. I got it from my dad, he said if one did happen to land on him and suck his blood, it would pretty much keel over on the spot.

That's not to say other insects don't bother me, when I had a cat who had fleas years ago I found out those little bloodsuckers absolutely love me and I reacted badly to their bites, but at least when I'm out in nature I don't get eaten alive by mosquitos like some people do.
I don't get bit often either. Mosquitos, black flies (those little bastards love to bite in the ear canal) and fleas really don't bother me. They LOVED my ex though. We had a idiot neighbor that let her cats go outside all day long and didn't prevention treat (Frontline) either of them Her cats brought the fleas into the common area of the bldg and made their way into my apartment. My indoor cats ended up getting infested and because they were black cats I didn't notice it until it was really bad. My ex got wicked bit, but me and my girls were pretty much left alone. My poor fur babies needed 2 flea dips and a dose of nitenpyram to get rid of the fleas.

I blasted the neighbor for causing the infestation. She had no clue that a flea collar was was useless to prevent fleas. Dingbat.
My cat was strictly an indoor cat so I'm not sure how she ended up with fleas, but she had them pretty bad a couple of times. I treated her, and the house, and eventually got rid of them but before I did, my legs from the ankles to the knees looked like I had a bad case of chicken pox. I'd never been bitten by fleas before then so I had no idea I'd react the way I did. And given the fact that most insects don't even bite me, I naively assumed that fleas wouldn't bother me either.

We camped by a lake in Canada once where they had biting flies that I swear were the size of small aircraft and they chomped the hell out of my bare legs before I could change from shorts into long pants. I've also had a reaction to a spider bite. But the fleas were the worst biting insects I've ever dealt with!
My cat was strictly an indoor cat so I'm not sure how she ended up with fleas, but she had them pretty bad a couple of times. I treated her, and the house, and eventually got rid of them but before I did, my legs from the ankles to the knees looked like I had a bad case of chicken pox. I'd never been bitten by fleas before then so I had no idea I'd react the way I did. And given the fact that most insects don't even bite me, I naively assumed that fleas wouldn't bother me either.

We camped by a lake in Canada once where they had biting flies that I swear were the size of small aircraft and they chomped the hell out of my bare legs before I could change from shorts into long pants. I've also had a reaction to a spider bite. But the fleas were the worst biting insects I've ever dealt with!

You probably brought the fleas in the house on your pants legs and then they had a feast on your kitties and procreated. :(
It's wise to Frontline even indoor cats for that reason.
Fleas love to get inside your sock and they will bite the hell out of you...specially white socks. So if you have fleas in the house refrain from wearing socks/leggings/nylons until they are gone.

The big biting flies sounds like horseflies...those mothers hurt!! We had them in New Hampshire, they would buzz the pool and it was wicked hard to duck them.

When I was a kid we spent 2 weeks every summer in Prince Edward Island and come dusk the black flies would swarm...those little buggers leave a big, hard, painful yet itchy as hell lump.

Skin so Soft from Avon keeps skeeters, black flies and such away...for whatever reason they don't like the body lotion. And, unlike most repellents, it isn't poisonous.
Skeeters aren't as bad as those pesky, annoying, lousy, filthy, biting flies!
I have to say (knock on cyber-wood), one of the good things about living here in Vegas is we don't seem to have biting flies, fleas or mosquitos. And despite having the Africanized bee's they don't bothers you much. Yellow Jackets back home (Mass) were WAY more aggressive.

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