slander against my 12 yr old son

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My cousin is in the middle of a divorce/custody battle and she has taken my cousin to court over false lies and accusations and now that she cant file charges on him she is making false accusations on my 12 year old son. she wrote my cousin a letter about my son supposely saying he was going to hump his cousins and some other crap. but its not true. i need to know what to do to get her to stop telling these lies on my 12 year old son. he is very upset by this and hurt. i'm afraid that this will devistate him for a long time. i need to know what his rights are and what we can do about this to have her stop the lies and having him labled with being a pervert if anyone can help me i would greatly appreciate it alot. the ex that is spreading this is a compulsive liar and tries to get people in trouble when she gets mad at them . thanks alot if anyone can help please do so .
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