Slander/Libel and confidential performance evaluations

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I believe my co-worker (I'll call him Steve) and possibly my immediate superviser (I'll call him Mike) have committed slander and libel. This past summer myself, Steve, and another co-worker (I'll call her Kelly) struggled to complete a very large project under an unrealistic deadline. Although the three of us had agreed to work extra hours on nights and weekends in order to finish the project, Steve -- the "project lead" -- failed to work those hours and as a result failed to complete his assigned work on time. Kelly and I completed the bulk of Steve's work in his absence in an attempt to meet the deadline. I confronted Steve about his lack of production, and when that avenue went nowhere I brought the matter to the attention of my supervisor, Mike. My accusations of Steve's poor job performance can be backed by tons of email evidence as well as testimony from other co-workers. I've recently learned that Steve retaliated against me by telling other people in the office that the reason the project deliverables were late was because myself and Kelly had performed poorly and didn't finish our work on time. He has since told other employees who are leading projects in this office to be wary of working with either myself or Kelly.

Furthermore, my company does yearly performance evals, and my superviser, Mike, who I have reason to believe bought into Steve's lies about my job performance, demanded that Steve complete a peformance evaluation of me. These records are kept confidential from me, but if I have reason to believe that Steve and/or my immediate supervisor committed slander/libel in the written performance evaluations, how can I get access to those documents?
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That's not considered slander, since it was not published to an audience and in any case represents opinion. In addition, you have not, at least at this time, suffered any damages. But to answer your question, whether or not you can get access to them or not depends on first, whether or not they have been placed in your personnel file and second, IF they have, whether your state guarantees you or your company permits you access to your personnel file.

What state are you in?

Furthermore, my company does yearly performance evals, and my superviser, Mike, who I have reason to believe bought into Steve's lies about my job performance, demanded that Steve complete a peformance evaluation of me. These records are kept confidential from me, but if I have reason to believe that Steve and/or my immediate supervisor committed slander/libel in the written performance evaluations, how can I get access to those documents?


What happened as a result of all this? Anything?
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