Slander thru CEO of franchise

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I have a question regarding someone pretty high up at a franchise hotel name. I work at a hotel who is a franchised hotel with them and we just changed to the new franchise.

The CEO of franchise services was here before we changed officially over and he was all nice to me. But than we did change to them, and last time he was here, he was horrible rude to me, the way he talked to me was very upsetting, even other employees noticed that ( i am assist. Manager) Him and someone else from the franchise were slandering me where ever they could,also in front of the new owners.

Both of them told a new employee that she got hired because I will be fired because I am rude and I am mean, both which is not true, I am rude and mean to this person, since he is treating me like this, but I did certainly not start this, and I would expect a more professional environment specially with the CEO of franchise services.

He told other employees that I will not be working here for much longer and to the new employee that i will be fired and overall slandering me in front of the owners, talking bad about me. The funniest thing is though that I was never ever rude to this person to begin with, I think he simply does not like me because I say what I think, the fact that noone barely knows this franchise hotel name (this is what I said) is true, made him mad I guess. That is when it started.

I am very upset at this, and I am wondering what actions I could take against such an unprofessional behavior of a Franchise Service CEO person. The owners of this hotel by the way, were very upset and told me that they have no intention of firing me and that they are the owners and not this person.

Someone can give me some input? I also suspect that the main reason is that I am of non american heritage, as one of my other employees was as well treated nasty from the other franchise person who is of darker color.
Rudeness is not illegal. There is no law requiring that a CEO be polite to his employees. Nor does what you describe meet the legal definition of slander.
I do not see where you have a case. There is no law requiring they be nice to you.

Do you know what slander is? Taling about you is not necessarily slander. The constitution allows somebody to voice their opinion about you.

For slander, you have to prove that what is being said is NOT true. "I don't like her, she is rude" does not count. You have to prove what is being said is false and malicious, and you have to also prove a financial loss, or what is being said has ruined your reputation.

You being rude back might result in you losing your job. If you do not like the way you are treated you can quit, but so far there is nothing proving they are doing this because you are native american.
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