Slid my truck but the guy never transfered title


New Member
I sold my truck about six months ago to a guy rode out a bill of sale I get a letter from the impound yard saying that I owe them a bunch of money for storage & towing fees I stated that I sold that truck 6 months ago and that I have a bill of sale the guy said that does not matter that you have a bill of sale if it's not notarized in that if you don't pay these fines and fees I will have your license suspended and a lien put on your name can they do that
Did you use this form?

Microsoft Word - 82050 change in div name.doc (

Did you notify the DMV of the sale, LIKE YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO?

I'm guessing not.

As far as the state is concerned, you still own it and all the consequences that go with it.

However, note that the form does not appear to require notarization, nor does it need the purchaser's signature so you can fill it out now with the sale date and submit it.

Send a copy to the impound yard and hope that's the end of it.

Next time you sell a vehicle be smarter. Take the plates off and go with the buyer to the DMV to make sure he gets a new title. And notify the tax office as well.
In any future posts, please make an effort to use something that resembles proper capitalization and punctuation. Doing so will make it easier for others to read and understand what you write.

the guy said that does not matter that you have a bill of sale if it's not notarized

Did "the guy" cite a law that backs up what he said?

if you don't pay these fines and fees I will have your license suspended and a lien put on your name can they do that

I'm not sure who "they" are, but there's no ability to put "a lien . . . on your name."

Did you fill out and file this form with a motor vehicle service center and otherwise do the things mentioned in the "seller's checklist" found at the linked page?

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