Negligence, Other Injury Slip and fall in Michigan

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Hi I need some advice please. I had a slip and fall in feb 2007. It resulted in a broken tibea which required 2 surgeries including plate and pins and I still have a limp from it as well as a lot of medical bills. I was also not able to walk for 8 months. I was also told that I will have to have my knee replaced within 15 years. The fall was a result of ice.
My question is I hired a lawyer that is always on tv who told me that he did not accept cases he could not win and a whole big story of why I should pick him. They submited to the insurance company this past april and I just got a call today saying that the insurance company denied libality and the only other option would be to go to trial and they feel they cant win so they are dropping the case.

They told me I they were sending me the files and I have until 2010 if I want to have another lawyer look it over. Im just wondering if it is worth it. I feel this lawyer I had was a great one from his rep. but Im wondering if they are too busy and did not want to take the time to go to trial or if they honestly do not think they could win. Im questioning it because of how positive they were in the beginning and how into to it they were I guess you could say.
Should I try to have another person look at it. I guess I am suprised the insurance company would not settle bec it seems like it will cost them a lot more to go to court. Im not asking for a crazy amount just my medical copays and a little bit extra to get me back on my feet after not working for a year would make me happy even though I went through so much with it.
DO insurance companies ever bluff and they settle one a trial starts? Thanks for reading sorry so long my lawyer left me a message about this and I called him right back but got his voice mail so I have not had a chance to talk to him.
Thanks agian
You probably don't have strong evidence to support the liability case, that is probably why the insurance tossed it over to the court system so the burden of proof will fall on you.
What kind of evidence are you talking about? My lawyer never really talked to me about that. They asked soome questions about that that I think about it not a lot I guess I thought that would come later. Anyway they asked a ton about how my life has changed and about how I do things now like activities and all the negative impact it had on my life. Do you mean like pictures and things like that? The funny thing is the place that I fell still does not shovel its sidewalks and someone else also fell there. (Someone I know works at a place in that strip mall)
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