Negligence, Other Injury Slip & fall case pending, but I have horses to take care of... should I watch out ?

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I have a slip & fall case pending, i live on a horse farm, I used to be a Horsetrainer before I got hurt, I still own 4 horses, obviously the need to be fed etc... I have to do it, however the landlord ( whom I am suing ) lives on the same property, should I be VERY careful not to let them see me ? I limp and show obvious pain, and have MRI's showing my injuries etc... the landlords used to help take care of my horses when I first got hurt and before they knew I was suing ;) at the time I couldn't walk, now with meds I can get around better, but i'm afraid they may video me taking care of the horses... what should I do ????????
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I have a slip & fall case pending, i live on a horse farm, I used to be a Horsetrainer before I got hurt, I still own 4 horses, obviously the need to be fed etc... I have to do it, however the landlord ( whom I am suing ) lives on the same property, should I be VERY careful not to let them see me ? I limp and show obvious pain, and have MRI's showing my injuries etc... the landlords used to help take care of my horses when I first got hurt and before they knew I was suing ;) at the time I couldn't walk, now with meds I can get around better, but i'm afraid they may video me taking care of the horses... what should I do ????????

I'd get a friend (or group of friends) who love(s) you and like(s) horses to do the hard work for you.

That way you could direct and supervise what you want them to do.

If you belong to any organizations, clubs, or a church; you could see if the other members would work withy ou to help do the heavy stuff.

You could also give riding and horsemanship lessons to young people for free, if they helped you care for the horses.
Ok got that covered !!! Hubby helps, he does all the heavy lifting etc... ( grain bags, hay bales etc... ) I just do the light stuff, feeding and brushing etc... ;)

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