Small town slander

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I NEED HELP!! I began recieving phone calls from a part-time employee where I was employeed fulltime. These phone calls became uncomfotable to me and I told my fiance about them. A couple of weeks ago I recieved a phone call from this "gentleman" telling me how attracted he was too me. I called my fiance and he came to my work to sit with me. This is acceptable to my EX-place of employment. About 15 minutes later the "gentleman's" wife called saying "HE WONT BE COMING TO SEE YOU". Later that night she attempted suicide and told people in the ER that it was because of my "affair with her husband". That spread like wild fire through the ER and out to several EMS agencies. It was an UNTRUE statement. Within 2 weeks of this I was fired and my employer said he didnt have to tell me why. I believe I have a slander suit against her and possible suit against my now EX employer. I have worked in the EMS field for several years and for this company for nearly 4. I have no verbal or written reprimands and no reason to be terminated other than this RUMOR!! What can I do. I am being treated HORRIBLY in town now and dont know that I can get another job in this field on the mountain. Its a small town! HELP
Defendants in tort litigation must be worth suing. These fall into three categories:
1. People or institutions with liability insurance that permits the cost of the judgments to be spread among all of those who purchase liability insurance from the defendant's insurers. Referred to as insured defendants.
2. Large corporations or governmental institution that are able to absorb the costs of judgments by spreading it through the price of the goods and services the produce, or in the case of government by spreading it through taxation. Known as self-insured defendants.
3. Uninsured persons or corporations who have personal wealth or assets sufficient to pay the judgments. Known as defendants with means.

So even if you have a case you must sue someone that's going to be able to pay you your damages.
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