Social Security Cars


New Member
Years ago after I got married I went to the social security office and switched my first andiddle names around on the card. This made it easier for various reasons, I had always been called by my middle name. I never changed my birth certificate though. Now with these new federal drivers license, im afraid I will not be able to get one because of this reason. And now that I'm older and thinking ahead, this may cause problems in the future for other various reasons. Now with stricter laws, will I be able to go change it back? And should I? Or am I making this a bigger issue than it really is?
If you're smart, you'll leave it alone.

No one will believe your story in the age of mass illegal invasions and terrorism.

If it really chafes at your collar, driving you to do something, change your name legally in a court of law.

As long as you're doing without a nefarious purpose, that'll be a breeze.
am I making this a bigger issue than it really is?


According to the Ohio BMV:

Obtaining a Compliant card requires more identity documents than the Standard Card. You will need to provide documents to prove the following:
  • full legal name
  • date of birth
  • social security number
  • proof of Ohio residency
  • proof of legal presence

State of Ohio BMV

Apply for a compliant license now, with the required documents. If the name on your social security card is an issue then go to the SSA office, change it back and get a new card.
That's what I was afraid of. Will I have an issue changing it back? I know things are different now than they were 24 yrs ago.

Take the first step, try it.

No one can say what will happen when you try, but I have a feeling, it just might not be noticed.

This is one of the worst government agencies across all 50 states, DMV in one its many incarnations.

It is a nightmare for sure.

That is why, after wasting a day in a line, you might just get lucky.

I'd rather renew my US Passport than a drivers license, and mine isn't mucked up.
Take the first step, try it.

No one can say what will happen when you try, but I have a feeling, it just might not be noticed.

This is one of the worst government agencies across all 50 states, DMV in one its many incarnations.

It is a nightmare for sure.

That is why, after wasting a day in a line, you might just get lucky.

I'd rather renew my US Passport than a drivers license, and mine isn't mucked up.
Thank you

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