Social Security Garnishment

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What is the maxium amount allowed by Washington state against social security for an alimony garnishment?
What is the maxium amount allowed by Washington state against social security for an alimony garnishment?

What element of social security benefits are you asking about: disability, old age, supplemental social security?

At the most it's 15% of the monthly benefit, but I'll let you pinpoint the exact type of SS benefit, (and who's trying to poach some of your benefit) because it could be 000%, as in NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH....

The answer depends in who's trying to attach your loot.
Here you go, OP.
Have yourself a very informative read:

This might apply to you, OP.

Delinquent child support and alimony cases are processed through the national Court Ordered Garnishment System. In these situations, the maximum reduction to your benefits depends on the state where you live. The garnishment is limited to either the maximum allowed under state law or the maximum under the Consumer Credit Protection Act, or CCPA, whichever is less.

Per the CCPA, you can theoretically lose up to half your benefits if you are supporting a child or spouse in addition to the one involved in the court order; 60 percent if you're not supporting another child or spouse; and up to 65 percent if the original court-ordered support is more than 12 weeks in arrears.

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