She close her fb but we know she did it.. We when to the police they told me to put a restrained order or get attorney to see what can we do, im trying but I don't have money to spend cause i have my family and bills.. I saw this post online but the police said they are not sure how this work with out attorney
I suggest you refuse to participate in any video that could one day cause you any embarrassment.
If someone loves you, he or she won't ask you to memorialize (by taking a picture of a video) of you doing something in private that you wouldn't do in public.
Think about it, why would a person that likes or loves you want to have you doing something you wouldn't want your mother, your son, your cousin, or your best friend viewing?
That's not an act of love, that's what some folks call porn, and others call "pimping".
If you and the one you love, or the one you choose to be with for a one night romp asks you to take a video or pose for a picture, just say, NO, THANKS, I R-E-S-P-E-C-T myself too much to allow you to cause me any embarrassment.
Yes, some people get prosecuted for these actions, but do you really want to go to court, testify to the fact that YES, your honor, that's me naked in that video with his "man part" in my "orifice", and YES, I let him put that "toilet plunger" in that place, while I spanked him wearing that diaper!
That would be extremely embarrassing, because you're saying all that "naughty" stuff in open court before strangers, friends, enemies, and relatives!!!!
So, the best thing to do is IGNORE this and if anyone ever asks you to do that again, RUN AWAY and politely say, NO way am I ever going to do anything like that!
You see, Maricela, sometimes the law helps by making it worse.
Imagine how traumatizing it must be for a rape victim, a child that was molested, or the family of those victims to hear them recite what those creepy, deviant, perverts "conned" them into doing.
I suggest you sever all ties with the person you convinced yo be in a video doing something you find uncomfortable today.
Besides, what positive reason would anyone have to record embarrassing things?
Tell the person you wish him or her well, but its best you never see each other again.
That's the first step in helping you get over the trauma and embarrassment of this sordid incident.
I wish you well, and I hope you take some time to think about this and get to a happier place.