Something fishy with my lawyer

Steven olsen

New Member
was hit by a car 2 years ago in a crosswalk. I hired a law firm to represent my case. 2 months ago i e-signed and accepted their offer. One of the lawyers then told me i would have to waiit a couple of weeks while they were checking my medical or something along those lines. Its now been over 2 months. I sent an email to ask for a status. I got a reply saying its going to be a couple more weeks. Is that normal?
was hit by a car 2 years ago in a crosswalk. I hired a law firm to represent my case. 2 months ago i e-signed and accepted their offer. One of the lawyers then told me i would have to waiit a couple of weeks while they were checking my medical or something along those lines. Its now been over 2 months. I sent an email to ask for a status. I got a reply saying its going to be a couple more weeks. Is that normal?
It could be normal. Do you knw what they were "checking" with your doctors? Is the doctor getting back to them with the information the attorney needs? Have you gone in to talk to the attorney about the delay and how you may assist in speeding things along?
One possibility is that there are unpaid medical bills remaining and the lawyer is working on negotiating a reduction so you get more money. OTOH, if your medical insurance paid all the bills, could be the same with the insurance company.

It's beyond me why you didn't just ask why on either of the two occasions that you called for a status.
I got a reply saying its going to be a couple more weeks. Is that normal?

No human being is able to judge the actions of any other human being.

If the answer you've received is unacceptable or unclear to you, it might be best to seek a clarification from the human being who provided you with the answer (response).

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