son + ex-girlfriend car co-owners + son making payments

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My son + girlfriend got a car with both being co-owners. The girlfriend decided to break things off. My son has been making the car payments and would like to get his name off as co-owner if possible. He knows he needs to make the payments since he signed all the paper work. IS there a way for my son to get his name off the car to have no obligations to his ex except to make the car payments.
He can sign over his interest to her, and sign off the title.
She wants my son to keep the payments up and is not talking to him. I guess he could try and get a "legal" paper to say he'd still make the payments then sign over his insteest ?
Your son could contact the lien holder and ask for them to come get the car. Why would anyone pay on a car for an "ex" anything unless it is an "ex" spouse and you have children or it is court ordered?
If he is paying for the car then he needs to go get it and use it or sale it. If he is on the title and the loan, he owns the car just as much as the other lady, but he is paying the payments. So he needs to go get it.

The only way he would have no liability is if the lady refinances the auto out of his name, and she would need to qualify. The bank will not just remove his name. He need to remain on the title until the bank refinances the loan.
I agree... he should be trying to get that car back rather than making payments and letting her keep it.
If she is able to refinance it in her own name and release him from financial obligation THEN he should let it go.
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