Special Education Procedures and Parental Rights

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I am writing as a mom of a child who is in special education. My son receives special services through our school district. Until recently, he has been receiving Occupational Therapy 2x a week, once for fine motor development and the other for sensory treatment. I just sent a note to my son's OT to get feedback. It was then that I found out that my son is no longer receiving his sensory treatment because he has shown improvement. Although I am happy that my son is doing well, I am not happy that I wasn't notified of this change. When this therapy was first added to my son's IEP, I had to attend a meeting and sign papers to consent to this service. Therefore, am I right to assume that I should've been informed of this change, and also shouldn't I have a say in the decision to discontinue this therapy or not? Do I have a case here? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your help.

Sincerely, momto2
I'm sorry. I failed to mention I live in New Jersey. If you need any further info, please let me know. Thanks again.
Go to www.nj.gov/education /specialed/ . This is the web site for your state board of education. They will be able to answer your questions about your situation which could be state specific to NJ. They will also be able to direct you to the complaint process if you need to file one based on the answers they give you. Also you can google parent advocacy groups in your state that deal with special education issues. Let me know if this resource works for you. Good Luck.
Thank you so much for your help. I found a lot of useful info at wrightslaw.com (both legal info and advocate advice). I really appreciate your help!


Hi there! I have some good news to share about this issue. Since first speaking to our son's case manager and the OT at his school, I voiced my concerns once more. This was all after doing the research and finding out what our rights are as parents of a child in special education. The same day, after leaving a detailed note explaining how we were upset by the way this situation was handled, I rec'd a lengthy phone message from both the case manager and the OT. They both agreed that the situation was handled poorly, and the OT even admitted to misrepresenting herself and apologized immensely!
We even took this a step further, after obtaining advice from advocates and lawyers, and requested that our son remain in special education classes next yr. We made it clear that we want him to continue receiving the same services he is getting presently. We knew before this situation occured that the school was going to fight us on this issue, but after this ordeal and also after seeing several setbacks in our son, the school agreed to giving our son the education he deserves. I guess it just goes to show you: If you take the time to educate yourself and let yourself be heard, you can accomplish a ton! I feel like we won a huge feat, and we didn't even have to hire a lawyer. We were able to save money, and at the same time we learned a lot.
This has been an exhausing yet fulfilling experience. I truly appreciate your advice w/ this matter. Thanks so much!!
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