Premises Liability Speed Bump (Shuttle Bus)


New Member
I drive Shuttle for a huge casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. I drove over a speed bump which slightly rattled the bus. The customer said to me – be careful. Can the customer sue me or the company at a later time; if they failed to immediately file a report of any sort before departing my Shuttle? And no other customers were on the shuttle except the couple.
They can, in the sense that no law prohibits them from doing so. But in the absence of any clear damages that can be directly tied to the fact that you went over a speed bump, any such lawsuit would fail.
Speed bump?

A wise driver would say, "I always obey all laws. I am a very careful driver. Safety of my passengers is my first priority. Obeying all laws is my second priority. My third priority is the comfort of my passengers. I never drive over any speed bump at more than three miles per hour!"

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