Speeding ticket/defensive driving courses


New Member
I got a ticket for speeding 25+ in Harris County, Texas back in November 2019. Instead of paying the ticket, I went to see the judge because I wanted to try to keep it off of my record. I was given the chance to take a defensive driving course along with an additional course designed for people under 25 years of age with a few other conditions & paperwork. Unfortunately I waited until this very week before my second court date which is March 10 & I'm supposed to have everything done & I do....well except for these courses.....I am just now about to complete a regular $35 online defensive course BUT I am having the hardest time finding an online course designed for ages 25 & under that can give me the certificate before the day of this set court date. What can I do? please, any advice would be much appreciated
I am having the hardest time finding an online course designed for ages 25 & under that can give me the certificate before the day of this set court date. What can I do?

What you do is make damned sure you take the course even if you don't get a certificate right away. Document your efforts. If you do it online take screen shots of your enrollment, the confirmation, the credit card screen, and the final screen when you complete the course.

Print out all that stuff and take it to court on the 10th and ask for an extension (continuance, postponement) on the certificate if your printouts are not sufficient.

If you have to take the class in a classroom setting, there is bound to be paperwork that you can photograph with your phone so that you can print out the material and take it to court.
Thanks a lot adjusterjack. I will be sure to take on this course & gather as much paperwork as I can!! you are very appreciated, thank you again
I went to see the judge because I wanted to try to keep it off of my record. I was given the chance to take a defensive driving course along with an additional course designed for people under 25 years of age with a few other conditions & paperwork.

You need to present an OFFICIAL abstract of your driving record, to make sure you received no other citations between your 1st court date and the next court date.

This is but one of many online providers who offer the ability to print the completion certificate course certificate the same day you complete the course and you can also print your driving record abstract at the same time.


The issue for you is that if appear and don't have the completion certificates and all documents, you're not going to like what MIGHT happen.

You can also ask the judge for a continuance, but you'll need to explain why you failed to do what was required in the time allowed.

Some people have a medical emergency, a death of a close relative, a medical problem of a close relative, a work assignment that cause them to be out of the state or the country, etc...

Good luck.
Thanks a lot for this information army judge, I have completed everything except this class designed for people under 25 years of age. I am still going to attend though & complete what's necessary for this course, I was just unfortunately informed I wouldn't receive the certificate until 10-20 days after

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