can child support take your wife's income tax return to go on "your" child support payment?
As phrased, this question doesn't make a lick of sense. Child support is an obligation, not a thing or entity that is capable of "taking" anything. An income tax return is a physical or virtual document that is submitted to a taxing authority. Finally, it is not possible to put a "tax return" on a "child support payment."
I think what you might be asking is the following:
H is married to W. H owes a child support obligation to X, and H has failed to pay all or part of that obligation such that some state or local authority is seeking to enforce the obligation.
Correct so far?
Apparently, H and W have filed separate tax returns, and apparently W will be receiving a
refund from either the IRS or the state taxing authority (or maybe both).
Also correct?
Your question is then whether the child support enforcement authority can garnish W's anticipated tax refund for the purpose of satisfying H's delinquent child support obligation. Correct?
If all that's correct, the answer is no.
Last year, I was I school & did not work.
That does not relieve you of a court ordered obligation to pay child support.