We would like a quick list of disabilities for filing for SSI/SSDI etc to see if filing for benefits is something we have qualifications and/or grounds for benefits.
The way to find out if you qualify for benefits is to file for them. There is no such thing as a comprehensive list of disabilities that will always qualify for benefits, or a complete list that includes every possible disability that will qualify.
Agree. File for benefits & see if you are approved or not. You can do a google search on SSI & SSDI benefits - their websites have a lot of information that might be of interest/help to you.
There is a thing called the "blue book", and while it's obviously not able to guarantee a particular result it is incredibly helpful in the early stages of a claim.
The bottom line though is that it costs nothing to apply - it's the only way to find out. The worst they can say is "no", but if you can manage to appeal up to the ALJ level your chances of approval do improve somewhat.