SSI Disability Payee


New Member
New Hampshire
I am receiving SSI disability, and I was required to have a payee. The payee is mismanaging my funds, put me into bankruptcy because of property taxes not being maintained. I was able to make a deal with the town, only for her to put me right back to the brink again in less than a year.
I reported this to the Social Security Office and they said they would open an investigation. In the meantime, they said they would suspend all funds until the investigation was complete. That would compound the problem to a point of losing my home.
I canceled the investigation to keep funds flowing. They charged me almost $2000 for an investigation that never went past the cancelation of funds. I was not asking for an investigation, I was demanding that the payee that I chose to be replaced, and they denied me on 3 separate occasions. Well, I am back to losing my home again.
All of the terms and conditions listed on the SSA website for a payee are being violated.
The woman is in her 80's and has no contact with me, said everyone would be better off if I was dead,
told me I have a month before the town takes my home, which is paid off in 2 months.
She is helping someone else with my money and tells me I have no rights to it. I went to the bank and they told me it is her money and she can do what she wants with it.
I am being told I can not handle my own money in the event that I could mismanage it, but am being told the taxes are my problem to deal with when I cannot have access to money that is mine not going to me.
What kind of lawyer or advice can someone give? Do not forget, NH does not think like most normal places.
Yes, but they want money to do anything and that is the problem. I can not get access to it to help myself. Do I have any legal rights?
I mean, one person is doing it to me while a Government agency is turning a blind eye to it.
I am in a lose-lose situation and my hands are tied. Not very good odds.
What kind of lawyer or advice can someone give? Do not forget, NH does not think like most normal places.

I doubt that is true, but let's run with it...

If your contention is that NH doesn't think like "normal places", then your contention is that no place else is like NH. If no place else is like NH, then what help do you think you can receive from an internet forum?
Pathetic jab that you doubt it's true.
I thought I laid it out.
I have made three (3) complaints to the SSI office. I have received zero solutions at a.cost of $2000
Their reasoning behind not allowing me to change payees is foolish based on the fact I am having the same issues over and over with no relief nothing but problems.
I came to an internet forum to get advice from another point of view.
What kind of lawyer advice can someone give is what I meant to say. Understand the stress that I am under, and maybe anyone else who is in an abusive situation
like this.
Would you be all clear-headed when you are losing the home you built 25 years ago with 2 payments left, and it's all gone in 1 month?
Give me a break.
myself. Do I have any legal rights?
I mean, one person is doing it to me while a Government agency is turning a blind eye to it.
I am in a lose-lose situation and my hands are tied. Not very good odds.

If the person that is harming you is your representative payee, you should make an appointment to visit your nearest Social Security Office, and report the matter to one the helpful government workers.

Social Security says: When a representative payee misuses funds, we may refer the case for criminal prosecution. The penalty upon conviction for a payee's misuse of funds may be a fine of up to $250,000, imprisonment up to 10 years, or both.

If you feel the Representative Payee has in some fashion misused the benefits being issued for the beneficiary, contact the OIG Fraud Hotline: Office of the Inspector General: Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse Form, Social Security

You can file your claim right here: Office of the Inspector General: Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse Form, Social Security

You should provide as much identifying information as possible regarding the suspect. Such information should include:

Name of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
Social Security Number of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
Date of birth of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
Details regarding the allegation, such as when it happened, how the abuse was committed, and where the abuse took place

Good luck and make that appointment tomorrow, or just drop in and wait to see one the friendly, helpful government officials.

The sooner you report the criminal, the sooner the crimes can be stopped.
Thank you very much, Army Judge. That was very helpful.
I have visited my local office on 3 occasions and got a bill but no resolve.
The office of inspector general sounds like my best option so far.
My comments about the way NH thinks was from frustration. Liberal Democrat mentality, little understanding outside that closed mindset.

Thanks again Army Judge!
Thank you very much, Army Judge. That was very helpful.
I have visited my local office on 3 occasions and got a bill but no resolve.
The office of inspector general sounds like my best option so far.
My comments about the way NH thinks was from frustration. Liberal Democrat mentality, little understanding outside that closed mindset.

Thanks again Army Judge!

You're welcome.
By the way, the OIG is paid by the federal government to serve the taxpayers.

The good news, her/his services won't take additional monies out of your pockets, previously depleted by the alleged thief.
Pathetic jab that you doubt it's true.
I thought I laid it out.
It's not a "jab", it's my belief. I do not believe that it's true that NH is appreciably "different" from any other area when it comes to matters concerning SSI.
Got a bill from whom? Got a bill for what? Whom does the bill indicate you should pay?
Technically, not a bill.
They concluded that I owed them almost $2000 and deducted from my monthly benefits.
I still owe $495 at this moment and it just compounds the problems even worse.
It's not a "jab", it's my belief. I do not believe that it's true that NH is appreciably "different" from any other area when it comes to matters concerning SSI.
Ok, fine.
However, your belief and mine are not the same.
Sometime's, when you reply to a post, let it chill for a while because you have no idea about the stress someone might be under.
Also, as an aside, if you doubt the validity of a claim, why lower yourself to participate in the conversation in the first place?
I do not believe that it's true that NH is appreciably "different" from any other area when it comes to matters concerning SSI.

People 'in' or 'of' NH is the voice that represents those offices at which they are employed.
People in Portland Oregon have different views than those of someone in Concord NH, for example.

People interpret their rules, guidelines, and positions differently based on their own beliefs.

As for my contention that NH thinks differently, please refer to this fox news story.
'Transsexual Satanist anarchist' wins GOP nomination for sheriff in NH county

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