SSN was stolen, I have no ID


New Member
I have no state ID (and I never have had a driver's license) nor do I have a Social Security card. I need one to get the other, so I'm feeling a bit stuck. How do I go about obtaining both?
I have no state ID (and I never have had a driver's license) nor do I have a Social Security card. I need one to get the other, so I'm feeling a bit stuck. How do I go about obtaining both?

Well, what do you have? Do you have your birth certificate? A passport? Any kind of government issued ID (military ID, etc)? Do you have a SSN (even though you don't have the SS card)?
Well, what do you have? Do you have your birth certificate? A passport? Any kind of government issued ID (military ID, etc)? Do you have a SSN (even though you don't have the SS card)?

I do have a birth certificate, yes. I don't have any photo ID of any sort. I have the number memorised.
I do have a birth certificate, yes. I don't have any photo ID of any sort. I have the number memorised.

These days you'll need far more than a birth certificate to get ANY form of valid state issued ID or a Passport issued by the US Government.

If you were born in this country, held (or hold) a valid state issued drivers license, a thumbprint or fingerprint exists somewhere.

If you attended any US high school or college, a picture ID exists.

So, let's try this.

In what year were you born?

In what state, city, county or parish were you born?

What year did you graduate high school or drop out of same?

Have you attended any US college?

Have you served in the US military?
Have you ever applied for an Illinois issued "FOID" card?

Have you applied to serve in the US military?

Have you ever been arrested in any US state or territory, or by federal authorities?

Have you ever received a traffic citation or citation for misdemeanor offense?

Where? In what year?

If you're an adult living in the US legally, you'll be able to answer YES to at least three of the above questions, otherwise, I suggest you refrain from doing anything further less you'll be discovered.

It might be in your best interests to remain QUIETLY concealed in the shadows lest you will end up exposing yourself to some agency of law enforcement or immigration.
I believe you can get a non-realID version of an Illinois state ID with just your birth certificate (and possibly some additional residence documents that you do have). Once you have the state ID, you can go the SSA with that and a birth certificate and get a real social security card. You can then go back and turn your state ID into a real ID.

If that doesn't work, then yes, you'll need to scrape together enough other identity information you can historically and make an appointment at the SSA to resolve this.
Here are the requirements in Illinois: Real ID FAQ

What you need and what is available also depends on the state. For example, certain states don't even require you to be a legal citizen, such as New York which in 2019 provided illegal / undocumented immigrants with the ability to obtain a New York State driver's license - also known as New York's Green Light Law for driver's licenses.
That's for a REAL ID compliant ID. I believe Illinois will still issue a non-REAL ID compliant license/id.
That's for a REAL ID compliant ID. I believe Illinois will still issue a non-REAL ID compliant license/id.
Yes, that's true. At this point I've been thinking Real ID only given how New York City has been aggressively marketing them - I live within reasonably close proximity to 3 airports!
Yeah, well NY is in a funny state as well since they're in a pissing match with DHS right now, DHS won't let New Yorkers into the trust traveller system because of the green light drivers license issue.

But the non-REAL ID case might allow him to boot himself into getting a physical social security card. If not, as I said, he'll need to bring his birth certificate and every shred of evidence that he is who he says he is to the SSA and throw himself on their mercy.

Oddly, DHS doesn't seem to be concerned about Real ID. My license is an old style and I went through my Global Entry interview and was issued with the it.
While it's off-topic here, that is very true. Our local politicians (such as our Mayor, Bill de Blasio and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) have openly waged campaigns against the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and it's why I raised the issue of state-based requirements.

Illinois does have a website and phone number for help obtaining an Illinois state identification card. It may have limited uses but, unless you're flying, it can probably be of use within the state and important to have.

General Information: Public Info Line: 800-252-8980; 800-252-2904

Illinois Driver's License and State ID Card Information

Driver's License pplicationTemporary Driver's License/Commercial Driver's License/State ID Card/Commercial Learner's PermitRenewalOut-of-State RenewalDuplicate/CorrectedName ChangeGender ChangeLost/Found/StolenMilitary DutyMotorcycle LicenseSocial Security Online VerificationState ID Card/ State ID Card Online RenewalRestricted Local Drivers LicenseState ID Card for the HomelessTemporary Visitor Driver's LicenseVeteran DesignationDeceased Notification
Well as I stated, the SSA's normal policy for replacement of a social security card requires a birth certificate and some photo ID (doesn't need to be realID). If he can get IlDot to give him a unreal ID, he can then get just about anything else once he gets his physical SS card. He can even go back and get the realID version.
If he can get IlDot to give him a unreal ID


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