Starting my Own Practice

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New Member
I recently graduated law school and passed the bar and am planning on building a practice around estate planning.

I wanted a strong internet presence and I found [deleted], which allowed me to build a pretty comprehensive website with a custom domain in about an hour for a really low price...I'm really happy with that....

Does anyone have any recommendations for a place to order relatively inexpensive business cards and letterhead?

Any insight on whether I should get a subscription with Westlaw or Lexis? I can only afford one and I don't know which one I should get.

All suggestions are welcome and appreciated!

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What did the other lawyers practicing in your area say when you asked your questions?
I haven't really spoken with other attorneys about this.... My big concern is with how expensive Lexis and Westlaw are -- is this something I have to have?
I prefer WestlaweCARSWELL (as it's known in Canada). It may not be a necessary expense - your courthouse library might offer it for free.
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