Starting to loose my respect


New Member
I'm at a loss of what to do with my family. I have been trying to keep them close because their health is not in the best condition my dad more than my mom. I have 2 children boy's and I was high risk and went to the hospital in premature labor because of the stress that I was experiencing at home. My sister and her significant other who is now incarcerated for trying to kill her ended up with my room and my son while I was in the hospital and when I got healthy enough to come home I had found out that they moved granted it was in the same complex just to the other side of it, but I was trying to get my first son in the car and go to the hospital and meet his new brother and when I told my family this they would not let me take my son and I ended up having to call law enforcement to help me get my son. While I was dealing with my youngest being in the hospital and such I stayed with my significant others mom because she lived closer and I knew that my parents would NOT end up having the patience to drive me back and forth to the hospital for 2 weeks so that whole time I was thinking that I would have my room and my kid's stuff to go back to and I was very wrong.I should be clear that I ended up having to flee from my significant others place due to domestic violence. Instead I ended up having to deal with my own family saying that I am not welcome in my home and I and my children will have to leave or be forced to have law enforcement officers come and arrest me and take the boy's to foster care and I was not going anywhere because I knew it was against the law as well as just a bogus complaint because my sister and her then boyfriend had been slandering my name since I was serious about the situation being unlawful and that she could get law enforcement involved and then when they find out what happened they would say it was wrong. Because my father was so sick he was not trying to deal with the situation and asked me to just leave. So I am regretting the fact that I did as my father asked and left but I had no other choice but to go back to the abuse and I am regretful to say that it would cost me more than I would have imagined and it would be more. I ended up getting a ticket to AZ with the boy's father and loosing my family while in Az I am currently working on that issue but I wasn't prepared for what I would have to deal with my family because of the situation and I am so lost right now because of my own family kicking me out I lost my kids and when I got home I told them the truth and I didn't have any where to go and I needed help and they were not the same people who had raised me and they didn't want me to stay and instead of being sympathetic and parents they would say that I was a horrible mother who had ran away with my boyfriend and lost everything and since I did so I would have to deal with it myself. Because I was serious about staying in my house and knowing what they did was wrong I stood my ground and stood up to my sister and her significant other and the situation got to the point where she was so set on getting me out of my parents lives that she had convinced my dad to call the police and have me arrested for elderly abuse which didn't go ass she planned and instead the cops sided with me and I let them know that I have been dealing with this for awhile and that they were not done and would end up locking me out with all my stuff still in the apartment and the officers said they would be back in no time to get them to let me back in and just call them if I had any more trouble and now I am to the point where I have repeatedly said that she is using them and the law wrong and I don't want to do it but if I find out what she did to me and my children would be unlawful and I would have to deal with it with the law that I would have no choice but to do it. And I have realized that the whole thing is my sister and my mother being manipulative and just because I don't do anything about it that that's why they are all doing this to me and I don't want to do this anymore and I don't know who what or where to start
I'm at a loss of what to do with my family. I have been trying to keep them close because their health is not in the best condition my dad more than my mom. I have 2 children boy's and I was high risk and went to the hospital in premature labor because of the stress that I was experiencing at home. My sister and her significant other who is now incarcerated for trying to kill her ended up with my room and my son while I was in the hospital and when I got healthy enough to come home I had found out that they moved granted it was in the same complex just to the other side of it, but I was trying to get my first son in the car and go to the hospital and meet his new brother and when I told my family this they would not let me take my son and I ended up having to call law enforcement to help me get my son. While I was dealing with my youngest being in the hospital and such I stayed with my significant others mom because she lived closer and I knew that my parents would NOT end up having the patience to drive me back and forth to the hospital for 2 weeks so that whole time I was thinking that I would have my room and my kid's stuff to go back to and I was very wrong.I should be clear that I ended up having to flee from my significant others place due to domestic violence. Instead I ended up having to deal with my own family saying that I am not welcome in my home and I and my children will have to leave or be forced to have law enforcement officers come and arrest me and take the boy's to foster care and I was not going anywhere because I knew it was against the law as well as just a bogus complaint because my sister and her then boyfriend had been slandering my name since I was serious about the situation being unlawful and that she could get law enforcement involved and then when they find out what happened they would say it was wrong. Because my father was so sick he was not trying to deal with the situation and asked me to just leave. So I am regretting the fact that I did as my father asked and left but I had no other choice but to go back to the abuse and I am regretful to say that it would cost me more than I would have imagined and it would be more. I ended up getting a ticket to AZ with the boy's father and loosing my family while in Az I am currently working on that issue but I wasn't prepared for what I would have to deal with my family because of the situation and I am so lost right now because of my own family kicking me out I lost my kids and when I got home I told them the truth and I didn't have any where to go and I needed help and they were not the same people who had raised me and they didn't want me to stay and instead of being sympathetic and parents they would say that I was a horrible mother who had ran away with my boyfriend and lost everything and since I did so I would have to deal with it myself. Because I was serious about staying in my house and knowing what they did was wrong I stood my ground and stood up to my sister and her significant other and the situation got to the point where she was so set on getting me out of my parents lives that she had convinced my dad to call the police and have me arrested for elderly abuse which didn't go ass she planned and instead the cops sided with me and I let them know that I have been dealing with this for awhile and that they were not done and would end up locking me out with all my stuff still in the apartment and the officers said they would be back in no time to get them to let me back in and just call them if I had any more trouble and now I am to the point where I have repeatedly said that she is using them and the law wrong and I don't want to do it but if I find out what she did to me and my children would be unlawful and I would have to deal with it with the law that I would have no choice but to do it. And I have realized that the whole thing is my sister and my mother being manipulative and just because I don't do anything about it that that's why they are all doing this to me and I don't want to do this anymore and I don't know who what or where to start
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Sorry, I stopped reading about half way through. AZ has agencies that help victims of domestic violence. Google it and contact one in the area where you are located.

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