State law or store policy?

I agree your photos do not show what the problem is. I can see at the top behind the door that there are a couple brackets. Those are common and should just have screws holding them in.
The problem here is that this old Frigidaire dishwasher used brackets that were screwed to the underside of the counter top first. Once the washer is installed and the brackets snap into the front frame of the washer the screws are no longer accessible. You have to drop the front legs and then bend the tabs of the brackets to disconnect it from the front of the washer. Or you can just pry the screws out with a crowbar.

The countertop is a post formed top that was made of particle board. Popping a few short screws out of it won't do any harm to the top. .
Can't find my crowbar. However I used the handle of a 10-inch wrench and it was a tight fit. It went up about 3 inches. When I tried to rotate it, it looked like it could dent top of dishwasher. I was afraid of damaging the countertop so I stopped.
Try Frigidaire's website and see if you can get the installation instructions for your model. Might give you a hint. Or see if there is a technician to talk to.
Earlier this year I paid a guy to clean out my garage and haul away all of the junk. I called him yesterday, told him my tale of woe and asked if he could help me. He said he would come out and take a look.

He came out this morning with 2 helpers and removed the old dishwasher with no problem. The "big wooden frame" that had everyone else so stymied turned out to be a small strip of wood that was glued atop of the dishwasher. It got popped out in a few seconds and the rest was easy.

He also installed the new dishwasher with no problems. It was a Christmas miracle!

I want to thank everyone for providing assistance to me. It was much appreciated.

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