Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft stealing


New Member
I know i've posted about this before, and I've come to terms with it all. However, I was wondering if a small shoplifting incident that took place at 19 with no cops called and great cooperation with LP would still affect one in the future? It was at a store where people claim that names are inputted into the national retail theft database. However, I requested a background check from a company that claims to check that, and recieved no info. Do you think my name is there? Do you think this incident will prevent me from getting a job with a well-known non profit organization that does extensive $30 background checks? I'm trying to determine if I should find a new path of interest for my life because if they dive so deep, I'm sure theres a chance it could come up since that store took SSN and ID and Pictures. (nothing ever came from the incident other than a paid civil demand, I was quite cooperative as this was not how I was raised- it was amidst a horrible time in my life that I have since moved on from and said goodbye to.)
I was wondering if a small shoplifting incident that took place at 19 with no cops called and great cooperation with LP would still affect one in the future?

I don't know what "LP" means, but it's certainly possible that such an incident could "affect" the thief in any number of ways.

Do you think my name is there?

There is no conceivable way anyone here could have the slightest idea. You might want to visit this site and follow some links and see if you can confirm one way or the other. Maybe also check some of these search results.

Do you think this incident will prevent me from getting a job with a well-known non profit organization that does extensive $30 background checks?

No idea.
Nobody can say. One background check might turn up something another one didn't.

Don't stress over it. What's done is done. You can't change the past. Just move on with your life and if it ever comes up be honest about it. It's a petty offense nobody cares about, but they will care more if you are dishonest and trying to hide it.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. A typical background check will NOT include any Retail Theft database so the search of course came up with nothing. The only persons who can view this is are subscribers to database which is typically Retailers

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