step parent adoption


New Member
My daughters biological parent is $28,000 behind in child support and hasn't seen his daughter in 6 years. He has agreed to let my husband adopt her. What steps need to take place?

Do we need to do a home study? Background check , ect
Adoption is a very time consuming, privacy invasive, and EXPENSIVE process.
You need to start by discussing your desires with an attorney.
Don't even attempt to try an adoption as a DIY project.
You should also discuss the situation with a family or marriage counselor.
As stated above this will be a long process and yes background checks and home study will have a role in this. It will also take some cash as well. If your using back support as a tool to entice Bio Dad to agree that wont work if any of those arrears are owed State.

Some states will not allow CS arrears to be waived when an step-parent adoption is in the works. Smacks of 'selling' children.
Generally courts will not waive the arrears if any is owed to the state. If it isn't owed to the state, then generally the parent & sometimes even the step parent have to agree in writing to waiving the arrears for courts to allow it. A lawyer should be consulted re law in state involved.

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