Stepparent adoption

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What forms do I need for a stepparent adoption? Biological father has payed no child support since 3/2007 nor seen his child since 4/2007. My husband of 12yrs now wants to adopt my child. Will the judge grant the adoption without the biological fathers consent?
Depends. You need an attorney to handle this.
What forms do I need for a stepparent adoption? Biological father has payed no child support since 3/2007 nor seen his child since 4/2007. My husband of 12yrs now wants to adopt my child. Will the judge grant the adoption without the biological fathers consent?

Child support unpaid doesn't mean you lose your parental rights.
Support, visitation, custody are ALL separate issues.
You need to talk to a family law attorney. If the attorney believes it's possible to adopt, the attorney will tell you the procedure and forms required.
This is a very long process and if Bio Parent is not willing it can get even longer If not impossible. If you and Step parent have already discussed issue then its time to talk with Bio parent to see if Bio parent is willing. You might sweeten deal by offering to forgive child support arrears (if possible). There are other things to consider but you can find them here
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