Still trying to help my 89 year old father, please help!

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To avoid completely duplicating a previous thread here is my background:

I am my father's only biological child. I have 3 older half-sisters and a half-brother (deceased mother's children from a 1st marriage). My father is 89 years old and in his third nursing home since February of this year. Two of my half-sisters, as explained in the earlier thread, are running the show.

My husband and I just returned from visiting my dad for a sweet but short few days. While there we found out, amongst other things, that my half-sister with both medical and financial POA over my father has given his car to the sister that lives in Dad's town. His house has been emptied of many items, no doubt sold on ebay, and that the paperwork on a $50,000 annuity was mysteriously missing page 3, which listed the beneficiaries. Last year, when Dad was still very much of sound mind, he showed me this paperwork and it was to be split between the 5 of us - me and my half-siblings. Once a new copy of the paperwork was obtained by the sister with POA, it was discovered that only the half-sister living in Dad's town was to inherit (things that make you go hmmmmm...).

Half-sister living in the same town, "Anne", freaked when husband and I showed up unannounced. She freaked more when I took Dad out of the nursing home for FOUR HOURS because he wished to attend mass as his church and we took him out to lunch.

Half-sisters are still refusing to consider letting Dad come live with husband and I or allowing me to temporarily move down there to care for Dad in his own home. They are also not allowing him to have a phone in his room (costs an extra $20 a month), so I only get to speak to him when they dictate.

My husband and I consulted our attorney here in Arkansas who advised us to go to Florida, get my Dad and bring him here to live with us; filing for guardianship as soon as we got him here. This is possible except for one problem. Dad has to have daily medications that I have no way to provide for him from there to here. Also, daily breathing treatments.

My question? How long would I have to remain in Florida in order to file for guardianship there? My husband and I own a working farm, it's difficult for me to be gone long, but not impossible.

Also, would it help me at all to contact my father's attorney in Florida and let him know what's going on?

Thanks in advance.
You might want to report a theft - or tell your half sisters that you're considering doing so unless a great deal of money shows up. You probably want to see if you can locate items that were sold on ebay and make note of them. You may also want to take pictures of everything in the home.

I do agree with the attorney's advice - you really should file for guardianship as soon as possible and the attorney probably is giving you good advice in mentioning Florida. he or she is in the best position to give you advice and knows all the details of the matter.

I wish you the best of luck in the matter. It seems that you're probably getting good advice and certain they know far more about the details than we do.
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