Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Stole from Walmart what should I do

Bronson jason

New Member
I stole some stuff from Walmart. Now I realize how stupid it was and how much trouble I can get into. I wasn't caught but if they review the cameras I might be caught.

I was wondering if returning the items without their knowledge and recording me returning them is a good idea as proof of return before any charges are filed. Maybe the judge or Walmart would drop the charges if I showed I returned the items before they even filed charges? I am able to return the items without Walmart knowing or seeing me return them and have the proof of on my phone just in case I get pursued by them In the future.

is this a good idea?
You're right. Incredibly stupid.

Let me put it to you this way. If you rob a bank, run out to the parking lot with the bag of money, suddenly get remorse, run back in and hand over the bag of money, guess what, you are still going to prison for bank robbery. Though possibly a shorter sentence.

When you say "I stole some stuff" what do you mean? How many items? Prices?

How old are you?
I stole some stuff from [a retail store]. Now I realize how stupid it was

Unfortunately, you compounded the stupidity by (1) admitting to it in a public forum, (2) using something that looks like a real name as a screen name, and (3) identifying the retailer by name. I strongly suggest you edit your post or maybe just ask a mod to delete it.

I was wondering if returning the items without their knowledge and recording me returning them is a good idea as proof of return before any charges are filed. Maybe the judge or [retail store] would drop the charges if I showed I returned the items before they even filed charges?

If someone files charges (something that apparently hasn't happened yet), no one is going to dismiss the charges just because you return the items after the fact. Indeed, the judge would not have the authority to drop charges for that reason. You might get some measure of leniency if you were to do this, but you'd also increase the chances of getting caught.

I am able to return the items without Walmart knowing or seeing me return them and have the proof of on my phone just in case I get pursued by them In the future.

We have no idea what abilities you have. However, how do you think you might get "proof on [your] phone"? You'd have to have someone come with you and take video of you? You're trying to get caught, right? If so, just go back and ask to speak to the loss prevention officer.
I stole some stuff from Walmart. Now I realize how stupid it was and how much trouble I can get into. I wasn't caught but if they review the cameras I might be caught.

I was wondering if returning the items without their knowledge and recording me returning them is a good idea as proof of return before any charges are filed. Maybe the judge or Walmart would drop the charges if I showed I returned the items before they even filed charges? I am able to return the items without Walmart knowing or seeing me return them and have the proof of on my phone just in case I get pursued by them In the future.

is this a good idea?
This is a joke right? Troll?

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