Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Stolen car by someone known and found abandoned

Isaí Trujillo

New Member
Hello my brother let his friend borrow his truck and he never returned it. My brother filed a police report to report it stolen and people said they saw his friend driving it days after it was reported stolen . It was found in an empty parking lot. Police notified him 10 days after they found it. He claims he returned it and left the keys in the mail. They were roommates and he took his laptop and power tools also. Based on the fact that he was the last person to have it and my brother told him he would give him 500 dollars if he returned it and the next day asked me for half that money because "he needed to show me something and it was his testimony". But when I told him the truck was found he said "we are done here then"
Is there enough evidence against him in the state of Missouri?
Hello my brother let his friend borrow his truck and he never returned it. My brother filed a police report to report it stolen and people said they saw his friend driving it days after it was reported stolen . It was found in an empty parking lot. Police notified him 10 days after they found it. He claims he returned it and left the keys in the mail. They were roommates and he took his laptop and power tools also. Based on the fact that he was the last person to have it and my brother told him he would give him 500 dollars if he returned it and the next day asked me for half that money because "he needed to show me something and it was his testimony". But when I told him the truck was found he said "we are done here then"
Is there enough evidence against him in the state of Missouri?
Huh? Who was asking you for half the money? Why would anyone ask YOU for money? And why would your brother offer $500.00 to someone that wouldn't return his car?

"Is there enough evidence against him in the state of Missouri" for what? Civil suit? Criminal charges? Please clarify.
His friend that took the truck asked me for the money because my brother told him if he returned his truck he would give him 500. "Friend" claims it wasn't him. But when offered the 500 he asked me for half and he would show me "something"
Huh? Who was asking you for half the money? Why would anyone ask YOU for money? And why would your brother offer $500.00 to someone that wouldn't return his car?
Huh? Who was asking you for half the money? Why would anyone ask YOU for money? And why would your brother offer $500.00 to someone that wouldn't return his car?

"Is there enough evidence against him in the state of Missouri" for what? Civil suit? Criminal charges? Please clarify.
And for criminal charges is all
Is there enough evidence against him in the state of Missouri?

The police will investigate and share what they learn with the local prosecutor or district attorney.

That decision will be made by the local prosecutor or district attorney.

Internet strangers know far less than you know.

I suggest you simply wait for the local officials to complete their investigation.

Sooner or later, you'll learn what was decided.

Have faith in the "system", mate.
The police will investigate and share what they learn with the local prosecutor or district attorney.

That decision will be made by the local prosecutor or district attorney.

Internet strangers know far less than you know.

I suggest you simply wait for the local officials to complete their investigation.

Sooner or later, you'll learn what was decided.

Have faith in the "system", mate.
The police will investigate and share what they learn with the local prosecutor or district attorney.

That decision will be made by the local prosecutor or district attorney.

Internet strangers know far less than you know.

I suggest you simply wait for the local officials to complete their investigation.

Sooner or later, you'll learn what was decided.

Have faith in the "system", mate.
Thanks. Only reason I ask is because when we ask they say the detective on the case is on vacation and they only told us the truck was found 10 days ago when we kept calling. I'm just curious if it sounds like there's a case or not from what I've said
my brother let his friend borrow his truck and he never returned it. . . . They were roommates

How long ago did all this happen?

my brother told him he would give him 500 dollars if he returned it

Does "it" refer to the truck, the laptop or the power tools? And why would your brother pay to have this friend/roommate return your brother's property?

the next day asked me for half that money because "he needed to show me something and it was his testimony".


Is there enough evidence against him

Is there enough evidence against whom for what? Your story is very ambiguous as to exactly what happened and when. Whether there's "enough evidence" to interest the police and/or prosecutor in pursuing criminal action is something your brother can only find out by asking them. Whether there's "enough evidence" for your brother to file a civil lawsuit isn't apparent from your post because it's not clear whether your brother's property was or wasn't returned to him or whether he otherwise suffered any actionable damages.

His friend that took the truck asked me for the money because my brother told him if he returned his truck he would give him 500. "Friend" claims it wasn't him.

Why would this guy as you for money because your brother said he would give him money? And what does his claim that "it wasn't him" mean?
How long ago did all this happen?

Does "it" refer to the truck, the laptop or the power tools? And why would your brother pay to have this friend/roommate return your brother's property?


Is there enough evidence against whom for what? Your story is very ambiguous as to exactly what happened and when. Whether there's "enough evidence" to interest the police and/or prosecutor in pursuing criminal action is something your brother can only find out by asking them. Whether there's "enough evidence" for your brother to file a civil lawsuit isn't apparent from your post because it's not clear whether your brother's property was or wasn't returned to him or whether he otherwise suffered any actionable damages.

Why would this guy as you for money because your brother said he would give him money? And what does his claim that "it wasn't him" mean?
Because he couldn't find his truck even though it was reported stolen and he knew this guy had it so he tried to bait him into giving it back and it pretty much worked because he was going to lead me to it for the money.
Hello my brother let his friend borrow his truck and he never returned it. My brother filed a police report to report it stolen and people said they saw his friend driving it days after it was reported stolen . It was found in an empty parking lot. Police notified him 10 days after they found it. He claims he returned it and left the keys in the mail. They were roommates and he took his laptop and power tools also. Based on the fact that he was the last person to have it and my brother told him he would give him 500 dollars if he returned it and the next day asked me for half that money because "he needed to show me something and it was his testimony". But when I told him the truck was found he said "we are done here then"
Is there enough evidence against him in the state of Missouri?

If your brother let someone borrow his truck it wasn't stolen. I don't know about Missouri but in other states if you know who took your car without permission, it's not stolen. It's "unauthorized use of a vehicle."

Who claims they returned what? Why was your brother offering him $500 to return his belongings?

Evidence against whom? It sounds like your brother is trying to screw you out of $500 honestly. None of this is your problem.

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