Stolen? Cell Phone

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I got in a car accident, and to make a long story short, the police found my car, and I had left my cell phone in the car. The morning after the accident, a police officer came and visited me at the hospital. After a little while, I asked the police officer whether he had my cell phone (I already knew he did because I spoke with my parents in FL and they said they called my cell phone and the police officer answered it [?! violation of privacy]), he responded, "yes, it's down in my car." After he left my room, he was speaking with the lady at the desk in the hospital (I was leaving). I asked him if it was possible for me to get my cell phone back, and he said, "hmmm.... I don't think so, I think I'm going to keep it as evidence." 2 weeks went by, I went to get the stuff out of my car at the impound yard. No cell phone. I assumed Officer ____ had it. I called, left probably 4-5 messages over the course of a month. No call back, no nothing. I called him again one day, and he had said that he left it in the car. He said to get him the name of the tow truck company, so I called him back 5 minutes later and he had left (coincidence?), so I left him a message telling him it was Specialty ____ in redwood city. Nothing back from him!

where to go from here?


DUI! What did I do wrong?

Thanx for visiting.
I am/was supposed to be enrolling in college. There is a problem though...I received a DUI in Georgia. I was innocent, but its okay because I must understand that because the state of Georgia says I'm guilty, then I must be. At least thats what my attorney out of Athens muttured. There is no way for me to transport myself from my home in Northeast Georgia to Panama City, Fl. for college purposes. The workers' permit is available to persons 21 and older. How am I to pay for my bills; and most of all, how am I supposed to get into college ontime
Who defines the separation of DUI's by drug use?
Should the person be subject to defferent punishment from the 'influence' by amount?
Why shouldn't I be able to move on after attending all classes, paying all of my dues, and being subjected to 12 months probation?

Have you called the local preceints captain or supervisor and contacted them about what happened? Call your phone company and get a detailed calling list. If the officer is not getting back to you, I am sure his supervisor would love to hear from you.
It certainly doesn't sound like the cell phone was stolen, perhaps misplaced. If there are no calls on the phone then you might as well get a new one and switch the number to it -- but you should immediately call your mobile company to report the phone missing. You should have done this from the beginning.

With regard to the second post, if you think you are innocent you might as well start a separate thread in the appropriate forums area...
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