I am in my late 40s and am on SSI & SSD. I have renal failure and in need of a Kidney Transplant. So am not able to work. I have three biological children and one step child, whom I raised since day one. I love ALL of my kids and do NOT mind paying financial support to them at all. The State of New Jersey Child Support takes my SSD and SSI subtracts what I am SUPPOSED to get from SSD leaving me with only 400.00 a month. Okay that's what it is, but I am in the arrears because that was not enough money to cover the given amount to pay. But I was paying as much as they took from my checks, and thank god that kept me out of jail. Like I said I do not mind helping my children, 25, 18, 11 and step child(my Daughter) 13. I want to stop the child support for the 18 year old, who has a man and a child on her own. Besides her getting 1/2 of my check, she calls me for money and I give it to her, 100.00 here,150.00 there, it is just to much. I have other bills and responsibilities too. I just need some help on how to go about this. I tried to talk to the mother, but I am just to weak and sick to argue with her. Its her way or no way. I just cant do it anymore.
I am hoping you will get better soon.
My goodness, people can be so heartless and greedy.
You must first take care of your health.
You can ask your attending physician or the treating physician to write a letter to the state on your behalf.
The letter should indicate your condition, your prognosis for recovery, and what you need to survive and take care of yoru medical needs monthly.
Now, i say physician, but you might want to start your request for this letter with the social worker at the dialysis center or hospital that where you are being treated.
The social worker and the treating physician could each send such a letter.
Those letters will go the state agency that is financially raping you, torturing you, and slowly assisting in your death.
Have the social worker speak to the state on your behalf, or have a good friend you trust try to contact them.
Let them know you seek relief, and how the financial burden is interfering with your recovery, or making your final days more difficult.
Now for the bad news, OP.
In your state, New Jersey, there is no statutory age as to when child support stops.
Once the child turns 18 and/or becomes financially independent, either you or the other parent must file papers with the court asking that the order be terminated or adjusted.
So, there is that angle, and more than likely the state will simply say, we're sorry BUT, off to court you must go.
My God, what a horrible country we have become.
I say that as someone who has some medical issues, too.
All I know is that it never ends, sir.
Good luck, please check back in and let us know what happened.
In the end, it just might be easier to ignore this evil harassment and focus on your health and peace.
Let's face it, as a senior citizen I say every day, so what, I'm going to die.
God bless.