It would appear that street signs are not protected by copyright, as they are in the public domain so to speak. I mean you would be allowed to take pictures of public buildings like the local courthouse, Washington Monument, and so forth, frame the pictures and sell them so why not street signs? Now since you are "conducting business" on a public street. ie: taking the pictures, you may need a permit to stand on the street and take the actual pictures as you may obstruct pedestrians or cause a nuisance. Interesting topic...I hope someone else jumps in with some answers.
LOL, at the rolly eyes! I agree with you, Calalily, on the lack of copyright for the street signs. As far as a permit, unless you are actually selling your pictures on the street, then I cannot see why a permit would be required. Photographers take pictures all the time, everywhere ... and are allowed to do so as long as they don't "setup shop" or, like Calalily posted, cause a "nuisance".
I know of no statutes or caselaw that even remotely deals with infringement of copyright on a public street sign ... so, I would assume there are none.
GREAT question. My understanding is that you don't need permission for the same reasons as the above. Same thing with buildings viewable from a public place. Note that you MAY need permission with regard to certain monuments, even in public places. Note that this question may also be more easily answered because the item you are talking about is government property located on government property. I would venture to say that you don't need permission -- but I am sure you do know that this only applies to your photos, and that photos by someone else, even of a public item like a street sign, are copyrightable by the photographer.
Good luck and let us know when the product is out and on the market!