Student abused/harrassed by teacher on numerous occasions.

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Student abused/harrassed by teacher on numerous occasions.

Case description: A teacher/coach at my daughters school slandered and pretty much created hatred toward my daughter from her other classmates and team mates. she moved to another school after nothing was done to stop this treatment. while at new school she received reports of his continued slandering of her in class and another coach involved slandered her to her new classmates. again complained to school officials, was told the same old thing, "we don't condone this behavior and it wont happen again. "

My daughters team played her old basketball team at her old school and daughter was harrassed and embarrassed as she played by the teacher/coaches boys team, he sat right there saying you can do better than that! He also made bad comments to the student fans saying that our family and even our little boy was messed up and a bunch of LOSERS! No school officials stepped in to help until her father finally went over and told the principal to stop this now or we were pulling our daughter from the game completely. We should have anyway but we were so shocked I don't think either of us were thinking clearly. To top it off, the teacher/coach offered extra credit to booing and harrassing students the following day in class.

this teacher/coach called to apologize to new coach for the behavior making up allegations trying to get my daughter in deep with her new coach/teacher. I fear this man and his childishness and hatred toward my daughter. I'm afraid what he'll do next and the old school won't stop him, they've even laughed at me when I suggested getting an attorney, saying, no lawyer will take the case, go ahead. i don't know what to do. do we even have a case?

I'd like to add that my daughter is an honor student, a talented athlete and created no problems at either school. I don't think she ever got repremanded for anything. She was well liked at her old school and now is laughed at when she see's many of her old "friends." Also, I live in a very small area and I have a four year old son who I will need to drive out of this district everyday for 13 years because I just can't trust those people again not to take this out on him.

I need help, please advise, in this area I really don't have the option of an unbiassed professional opinion. This has so impacted my family that I am now considering a move after living in this area all of my life.

Also, if there is anything that I can do about this, I don't know where to go to find an attorney. I have a feeling that those around here would consider this case a conflict of interest.

Thanks so much for your time.
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