Permanent Residency Student to possible permanent resident?

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I was sitting here wondering on a thought.
My son is currently studying in the USA at University, he is on a 5 year visa.
If he wanted to stay in the USA, could he apply to become a lawfal permenent resident?

Or is there other mesures put in place for overseas citizens whom have lived and studyed in the USA?
I have been speaking to him and he's studys are going well and he seems very settled, He has imformed me that he would consider staying for the long term.
He seems to think that he will stand a better chance to get a job and to live a normal life in the USA as his quailfications will be mostly from your country.
In a nut shell I think he would love to stay and be intergrated properly and I must say I don't blame him.

Many thanks

Was this question difficult too answer? :confused: only I have not yey recieved a reply to my question.
I know you are all very busy, but any recognition is better than none.
Please answer soon.

Many thanks

Well, he would need to qualify for a legal permanent residency. He cannot just stay after finishing his studies.

There are basically only two ways to qualify: either by family ties, or in other words, if he would marry an American citizen, or: by having a qualifying job.

To get an employment based visa, in most cases the employer has to show that they could not find an American suitably qualified for that job. Depending on the country where he is from it also might take a long time until a visa becomes available.

So while he can try to work for that chance, he should not put his hopes up too much.

Hi lex,

Thaks for the reply, I was doing a bit of research and come accross ina:act 245 (I) 8.(1)
I must have got the wrong end of the stick, this translation is quite difficult to get used to.

Any way thanks again it's back to the drawing board for me! :)

yours truly

I am not sure which part of section 245 you refer to, but 245 covers adjustment of status. To adjust a status you must have qualified for the new statuts first.

Example: You are a student here. You marry an American citizen. Because of that you can become a legal permanent resident. The process to do this is called "adjustment of status." But without the underlying fact (here the marriage) there will be no adjustment.

Hi lex,

Excuse me if I came across the wrong way, I did not disagree with anything you said.
Like I said I did not read the ina:act 245, properly. I have since looked over it again and read all the section properly.
Sorry to have wasted your time on this matter, I just though I had found something relevant in my quest to futher my abilitys in studying your laws.

As you know from our last convasations I am awaiting progress in my own situation and would have liked to have helped my son also. I am sure he will find his own level in what he is trying to achieve, as he is head and sholders above my capabiltys.

once again thank you for your time, I just hope I have not delayed anyone else's problems.

yours Truly

don't worry and good luck!
Thankyou! lex.

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