Subject: Request for Legal Assistance - Review of Procedural Errors in Child Custody Case


New Member
"Requesting review of Hunter's protective custody due to procedural errors. CD investigator and juvenile officer made conflicting statements about imminent danger but left Hunter in my custody for 21 hours after claiming risk. Seeking legal advice to address these inconsistencies."
If you have a legal question, please briefly describe the relevant facts and ask your question.

It sounds like you're looking for an attorney, and that's not the purpose of these forums.
If you have a legal question, please briefly describe the relevant facts and ask your question.

It sounds like you're looking for an attorney, and that's not the purpose of these forums.
Im not looking for an attorney I'm looking for advice on what to do about the inaccuracies, lies and the inconsistent statements made by CPS, because thus far Ive not had a fair and impartial court case.
Im not looking for an attorney I'm looking for advice on what to do about the inaccuracies, lies and the inconsistent statements made by CPS, because thus far Ive not had a fair and impartial court case.
The advice you've received (and will continue to receive) is to seek the assistance of an attorney.
Im not looking for an attorney I'm looking for advice on what to do about the inaccuracies, lies and the inconsistent statements made by CPS, because thus far Ive not had a fair and impartial court case.

There's very little, IF ANYTHING, that victims of CPS can ever do; EXCEPT STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM CPS (and other governmental agencies as humanly possible).

Otherwise or in the meantime, you might consider seeking FREE consultations from attorneys that offer FREE INITIAL CONSULTATIONS in or near the state and county in which you reside.

Bon Chance.....
These two statements:

Im not looking for an attorney

I'm looking for advice on what to do about the inaccuracies, lies and the inconsistent statements made by CPS, because thus far Ive not had a fair and impartial court case.

directly contradict each other because only an attorney can provide that advice.

Also, no one who is not familiar with the facts can help you, and you have provided no factual information.
Im not looking for an attorney I'm looking for advice on what to do about the inaccuracies, lies and the inconsistent statements made by CPS, because thus far Ive not had a fair and impartial court case.

Only an attorney LICENSED to practice law in the state where you and the child reside can LAWFULLY dispense LEGAL ADVICE.

There are several licensed attorneys that try to assist people in legal distress.

However, much like the cousin of LAW; MEDICINE, and physicians/nurses/physicians assistants aren't allowed to dispense medical advice, perform surgeries to ANONYMOUS INTERNET PERSONAS, either.

If you require legal guidance, counsel, or wish to retain the services of a licensed attorney, it can't (nor will it ever) occur here.

The volunteers have an enormous love and respect for this site's founder, law professor, and genuine "nice guy" "Professor Michael Wechsler"!!!

You need to speak with licensed attorneys in the state where you and Hunter encountered your problem/issue/concern.

No one, ABSOLUTELY, none of the volunteers operating on this website, attorneys included, will or can dispense proper legal advice to you, or anyone.

We're simply here to help, where and IF we can; not to break the laws and risk losing our licensure in the states where we're lawfully admitted to practice law by the various state bar associations.
"Requesting review of Hunter's protective custody due to procedural errors. CD investigator and juvenile officer made conflicting statements about imminent danger but left Hunter in my custody for 21 hours after claiming risk. Seeking legal advice to address these inconsistencies."
Ideally, they should have taken the child when they determined he was imminent danger from you, but 21 hours is not even a day later that they removed the child from your care. Do you think that because they waited 21 hours that this somehow negates their claim that the child was in danger? I'm sure there were reasons it took that long to act on the child's behalf. You've been very vague about the exact circumstances so no one can really speculate on whether they should have acted sooner. I notice you don't deny there were circumstances, only that the authorities waited 21 hours.
"Requesting review of Hunter's protective custody due to procedural errors. CD investigator and juvenile officer made conflicting statements about imminent danger but left Hunter in my custody for 21 hours after claiming risk. Seeking legal advice to address these inconsistencies."

I'm not seeing how leaving the child in your care for 21 hours rather than taking the child immediately violated your rights. Whether the child was is in imminent danger is determined by the facts, not how fast the government agencies acted. So barking up that tree is not likely to get you far. That's just a distraction from the central issue of how the child was being treated while in your care.

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