Breaking a Lease Subleasee Admits to Stealing Everything


New Member
This took place in Chicago's Cook County.

My subleaser broke our rental agreement. My landlord filed for eviction, but she claims she had already given him a notice to legally break the lease as instructed by her lawyer. She also claims there were issues with spiders and ants that made the apartment uninhabitable. She showed me a few pics, but they only showed 2 spiders. I haven't had any issues with my landlord or apartment.

Because she could not reach me the week before she moved which was over a month before she was suppose to, she says she felt her security deposit would not be returned (the sublease agreement says I would return it to her by 9/7/17, one week after the lease is up). So she stole my mid century wood credenza, my bar, table, chairs, rugs, all my paintings, everything. She claims its all worth about $1000 so we're even. The credenza alone was $1200. I have receipts for all my belongings. I do not have her new address.

All my conversations with her took place via text.

Any advice on what I should do?
Sublets are trying to catch up with roommates.
Any advice on what I should do?

1 - Call the police and report the crime.

2 - File a theft claim with your renters policy. If you don't have one, now you know why you should have one.

3 - Sue your tenant. You'll have to find him first. Good luck with that.

4 - Stop subleasing. If you can't live in your apartment, give it up. This kind of crap is only going to keep happening.

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