Sue Or Not Part 2

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On November 21st I was contacted by Officer Panfil with the California Highway Patrol Background Division in Kearney Mesa. Officer Panel was calling to schedule me for an initial interview with her for my background. We agreed to meet on November 26th at 10 am.
I then arrived to my interview and was greeted by Officer Panfil, and was escorted into the office. Officer Panfil then explained to me that she wanted me to go over my application and to update any information that may have changed since my last panel interview. I completed that task, and was asked to elaborate in detail on certain questions on my application that she wanted me to also clarify in writing. I once again was given blank stationary paper and began to narrate responses to those questions. After I completed that, Officer Panfil then escorted me into a conference room. She then introduced me to her supervisor; I believe her name was Rosa or Rosalyn. They both set directly across the table from me and began the taped interview. Officer Panfil then asked me to read a statement regarding truthfulness, falsifying information and omitting anything in continuances with her interview. She asked me if I understood what I just read and what that meant to me in my own words. I then said that it means that any person trying to lie to gain employment would be barred from applying again in the future. Officer Panfil stated that as you know, this interview will be taped, and anytime during this interview you can walk out and leave. Once she stated that, I knew that I was in for a verbal bashing. What took place next would emotionally scar me for life. Supervisor Rosa began to explode into a verbal rage. She yelled at me "what gives you the right to question a seasoned veteran officer of twenty years as to why you got disqualified." I Replied, " ma'am, I didn't question her, the panel interviewers questioned me as to why I got disqualified and I told them that Officer Lopez wanted me to be more thorough with them regarding my driving arrest. " Then Officer Panfil screams "No you're a liar, you think you're so honest, you think your Mr. know it all." "I said no ma'am; I'm just going by what Officer Lopez said to me. I continued and stated that I went and re-did the panel interview again and got a better score this time"
"Then Officer Panfil screams, how dare you sit there and question anyone, you're a dishonest liar. " Then supervisor Rosa yells, "You think you're so smart, you think you're so thorough, you can't even complete an application right." I said ma'am what are you talking about, I completed my application entirely before I turned it in, and I even had it notarized." Supervisor Rosa then goes on to say, then how come you didn't complete your work history," she then slides the application to me, and sure enough my work history wasn't there anymore. I said ma'am I completed my work history, I said I only had three jobs my entire life and I'm twenty seven and I'm most proud of that." Officer Panfil interjects and say's "are you calling her a liar,"? I said no ma'am I'm not calling her a liar but I know that I took my time to completely fill out my application correctly. Officer Panfil goes on to say "then where is it, do you even have a job."? I replied, ma'am I've been working for the Department Of Homeland Security for the past six years. I couldn't believe Officer Panfil just asked me if I even had a job, she is suppose to be doing my background and she's asking questions like that. I sat there trying to figure out myself what could have happened to my work history paperwork, so I shrugged my shoulders implying that I didn't know what happen when they asked about why my work history was somehow missing. Supervisor Rosa then goes on to say "I see you have a problem with following directions." I replied by saying I can follow directions, then Supervisor Rosa say's "I don't want to hear it, let's move on." Supervisor Rosa then tells me to start completing my work history in the application. I pick up a pen and check a box on the application, when Officer Panfil and Supervisor Rosa discreetly whisper to each other and then Supervisor Rosa snatches back the application and say's "let's move on." Officer Panfil then continues to go on and call me a liar and a deceitful person, and says you need to forget about a career in law enforcement." Officer Panfil then goes on to ask me about traffic tickets and asked me to explain to her every time I got pulled over my entire life. I told her that I couldn't remember every time I got pulled over, and Supervisor Rosa then yells out "how do you expect me to give you a badge and a gun and you can't remember anything." As I began to answer, Officer Panfil yells "I can remember when I got a ticket at sixteen, and I'm thirty six." I said ma'am I'm doing my best given you approximate dates. Even though I wanted to express to the both of them that I've been pulled over on several occasions in my life because I some how fit the description to a cop. I held on to that comment, because I knew if I said it I would be adding fuel to the fire. Officer Panfil then say's " I see you got arrested five times for selling drugs at the trolley station and disobeying officer commands." I said ma'am that's not true, that's not me. I come from a law enforcement family, and I'm applying to a law enforcement department, why would I do that." Officer Panfil then goes on to say "well I don't think a drug dealer would pay the fines, and they are all paid." I said to Officer Panfil, I paid them because they were affecting my credit and my dad advised me to just pay them and move on. Officer Panfil goes on to yell, "you must have a problem with identity theft." I replied I must have ma'am, because those things you're saying about me are not true." Officer Panfil yells out, "Are you calling me a liar"? I said no ma'am, you got the wrong person. I then asked if I could see that paper she was reading from, Officer Panfil yells out "no be quiet." Officer Panfil then goes on to say "you lied at your first panel interview and you're lying to us today, for two weeks I listened to you lie on tape and I'm tired of hearing your voice on the tape lying and my kids are tired of hearing your voice lying to." That's when I sat there motionless in my seat because I couldn't believe she just said that to me. That's when I knew this interview was more than just about applying for a job, it was their chance to retaliate, verbally disrespect me, and personally attack me as a human being. I then asked Officer Panfil if I could hear the tapes she claims I was lying on. Supervisor Rosa then yells out, "no let's move on, what else do we have on him."? Supervisor Rosa goes on to yell some more degrading words at me, and at that time I was making sure to make eye contact with her, when Officer Panfil yells out "why are you looking at her like that."? I replied to Officer Panfil that I wanted to make sure I hear her clearly that's all. Then Officer Panfil goes on to say you have a problem with padding your responses." I replied to Officer Panfil can you clarify the word padding for me."? She then burst out and yells "Oh, now you need a dictionary."? I said no ma'am; I just want to understand what you mean by that."

Just about after twenty minutes passed in that interview my self-esteem began to crumble, I felt so insecure and vulnerable, powerless and depressed. I was hurting so deeply inside it was a struggle to just to keep the tears from pouring out. I made sure to keep my emotions in check, because I didn't want to have an emotional break down in front of the two officers that represent the Law Enforcement Agency that I so highly respect. I felt like the worst person in the world. I then began to have doubts about a career in law enforcement from that day on. They even continued to degrade me with insults even when they didn't ask me a question. They literally tormented me throughout the entire interview without any regard for the immoral behavior that they were inflicting on me. I knew in my heart that these two officers were doing something wrong to me. That's why I made sure to remain polite the entire time even though they lashed out repeatedly over and over.

Officer Panfil then goes on to tell me that I was disqualified and stops the tape recorder. I then stood up and expressed to both officers that I'm sorry for wasting their time and it was a pleasure to meet them. I then began to walk toward the door and I turn around and asked Supervisor Rosa if I could ask her a question. Supervisor Rosa yells out "NO". But I tried to continue asking the question anyway, and Supervisor Rosa yells out "I already know what you're going to ask, if you want to reapply I suggest you don't." Then I said but, then Supervisor Rosa then say's "if you're going to reapply, reapply in a few years, if you know what a FEW years are." I said to Supervisor Rosa that a few years mean two. Supervisor Rosa then yells out "NO that means
3 to 5." I then said thank you, and Officer Panfil escorted me down the stairs to the exit. Officer Panfil and I arrived at the exit, and I said thank you and reached out my hand to shake hers and she hesitated for a couple of seconds and then shook my hand with this annoyed look on her face. I then left the building.
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