Sued for negligence in auto accident, what do I do?

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I was involved in an auto accident 2 years ago. A person pulled out in front of me and I hit them from behind. The DPS report stated that I failed to control speed and that the other driver failed to yield the right of way: he pulled onto a major thoroughfare from a stop sign on a side road. No citations were issued. I was traveling appr. 5 MPH below the posted speed limit, the guy pulled out in front of me and I just couldn't get stopped fast enough. The DPS officer estimated the driver allowed me less than one second to get stopped..........that's not in the report.
The other driver filed a claim against my insurance and they denied; now he's suing me for past and future medical bills as well as an assortment of other things. I noticed his back window of his truck had writing on it "Professional Witness" and his profession on the accident report is listed as legal consultant.

He must think I have some money or something; I own very little...........most of what I have is owned by a back or credit card company. He'll be disappointed I fear.

What should I do now? Is this guy just fishing and hoping I'll ignore this? How much of a case can he have?..............the accident report said we were BOTH at fault.
Thanks for any advice.
Did you notify the insurance company that you are being personally being sued? They may have advise...if not get your own lawyer to handle this problem.
Yes I told them today and they had me bring the paperwork into them to file an answer with the court. I failed to mention: 1 year ago I got my deductible refunded to me because the other driver's insurance paid my insurance company after the matter went to arbitration. My insurance company is going to represent me well I think.
Your insurance company should have lawyers to defend you. That is their duty to you as you are their insured. Even if they denied the claim. I don't think they are really suing YOU directly. Probably your insurance company but they still have to notify you of the suit.
PIL have a good point. Still, you may want to consider to confer with an independent lawyer for your protection...
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