suing for more than the small claims limit


New Member
New York
I am owed more than the small claims limit by a prior employer. I was a sales person and I got paid about 1000 per case. Can I group together 4 or 5 sales per small claims case, this way I can get around the small claims limit of $5000 per case and create a bunch of small claims cases. Or can I do one case of $5000, win that, and then another and so on and so forth.
You cannot separate your claims in the way you described. If your damages exceed the limit of small claims court, you'll have to sue in regular court or waive damages in excess of the limit.
I am owed more than the small claims limit by a prior employer.

Were you an employee or independent contractor?

If you were an employee, file a wage claim with the state.

If you were an independent contractor first determine if you were illegally missclassified. If you were, then file a wage claim.

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