Suing my local regional council(Housing dept)

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Hi,i'll try and cut this down as short as i can.I had lived happily in my council house for 13 years.The council then decide to move in a thug below me of whom the council denied any previous knowledge(he was actually evicted from previous council house i found out later!)This thug tore down a tree which was planted in memorium of my girlfriends mother,even after we told him its significance!(this was the first day of his tenancy)He then proceeded to surround the house with loads of scrap metal,large boats,a jeep,a caravan,car trailer,he left huge tubs of rotting fish guts at my door,he killed our cat,he constantly played really loud thrash metal rock music all hours of the day,and eventually he ended up assaulting me in broad daylight with a four foot wooden baton for no reason.13 months on the injury to my knee and especially my elbow haven't healed,i have permanent nerve damage in my elbow,i drop cups of tea etc and it just goes so numb most of the time i can't use it properly.As i said previously,these things are only the tip of the iceberg as i'm trying to keep this short.So,what am i suing for?,the fact that the council decided to rehouse me!from my house of 13 years when he had moved in just three months before!We had just decorated this house,that money was wasted,we had to decorate this house,which we didn't want to move to,council threatened to move us initially into a one person granny flat,we spent a week throwing out most of our possesions in bin bags to scale down.The council in my case have showed so much negligence towards me and have caused an untold mount of stress through all this,and im left permanently injured,i had to move home on crutches.This guy was so notorious in the previous house he stayed in there is no way the council wouldn't have been aware of his behaviour,shooting cats,throwing his wife through the window,hitting people with iron bars,ramming women off the road in his Jeep etc How would i go about suing the council,what angle should i come from to get things rolling?Hope someone can help,thanks!
You are on welfare and getting free housing.

Is that a fair statement?
I am on welfare just now due to my injuries.I wasn't offered physio at the time of the injury for some reason,just treated for the massive swelling at the time,later on when i complained of the pain,and that it didn't seem to be healing i got finally got physio,but the physio said the damaged nerve had fused between the muscles,i've got a CT scan on the 21st of this month at the local hospital.
I guess if the taxpayers are paying your bills, then I wouldn't be complaining.:angel
I take it you are in England?

This board deals with US law only, I have no idea if you have a claim for damages.

when you are in public housing, it often attracts a less than desireable crowd. If you do not like the housing then you are free to go off council housing and find your own place.

If this guy has killed your cat, and assaulted you, I presume you called the police and they took reports?

you can see an attorney/solicitor that might specialize in that sort of law but when you depend on taxpayers to pay for your housing I am not sure you will get much sympathy from people.
I personally think the housing association were neglegent in not telling me they were about to move in someone who had been evicted from his previous house,and the fact he wasn't long out of jail for murder probably would have been a useful piece of knowledge for me too at the time.I 'depend' on tax payers paying for my house?I 'can't' work as my arm and knee are injured!,i can't even hold a cup of tea half the time!I'm so determined to work i have a job interview on the 25th of this month(Motorcycle instructor) and plan as much as i can to get through it all without disclosing the true extent of my injuries,im so bored!I can't remember coming on here for sympathy,only useful advice guys(and gals)
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