Summons- Got served with divorced papers

Miller M2

I got served 10 days ago. And she is representing her self. After looking at all the documents I agree with her in regards of the petition for Dissolution of our marriage with minor children. And also the parenting plan.

should I respond to the summons if I agree? Trhu my research I have learned that if I don't answer/respond she then can file a motion for default judgment.

Thanks in advance.
You should TALK TO HER before you do anything.

If you agree with everything she is asking for, TELL HER THAT and then you both can follow the consent decree process.

How Do I Respond To A Divorce Petition In Arizona? (

The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County -

That last link is to Maricopa County Superior Court. If you are in another county, look on the court website for a similar packet.

Or, you can just let it go to default if you don't want to bother.

Thanks for your input. Actually there is a company (legal documents prepare) that told me that they will do everything including the process of the consent decree … when I say everything they told me if I hire them for $600 bucks I won't even show up to court or see a judge. The website is called affordable family law here in Phoenix. I don't mind paying the money if they will help with all the paper work. But I believe they not responding to the summons for me because they aren't a law firm. Or am I wrong ? First time getting divorced here lol. (I am just to busy to handle paper work by myself and I don't want to create more stress for myself by filing wrong documents etc.)

the consent decree documents-(DR71f092422) look very similar to the ones I was served (DRDC15f092422)
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Actually there is a company (legal documents prepare) that told me that they will do everything including the process of the consent decree … when I say everything they told me if I hire them for $600 bucks I won't even show up to court or see a judge. The website is called affordable family law here in Phoenix.

I don't know anything about them. There are probably dozens of similar companies that provide forms for you to fill out.

Here's their yelp reviews.

AFFORDABLE FAMILY LAW - 30 Reviews - 2345 E Thomas Rd, Phoenix, Arizona - Divorce & Family Law - Phone Number - Yelp

I can't say yay or nay but my own preference would be to use the court packet. You and your wife will still have to provide all the information that goes on the forms. Up to you.

But I believe they not responding to the summons for me because they aren't a law firm. Or am I wrong ?

That's correct. They are paralegals providing forms for you to fill out. They cannot provide any legal advice or services.

First time getting divorced here lol.

Should only take once. Mine was 27 years ago. Long before the internet made things so much easier for the DIYer.

I am just too busy to handle paper work by myself and I don't want to create more stress for myself by filing wrong documents etc.

That's naive. There's gonna be paperwork and there's gonna be stress. Accept that reality and you'll be able to handle it better. The court forms are easy to use. Very little chance of getting anything wrong, especially in an uncontested divorce.

As for responding to the Petition, the court provides the following form for use if you object to anything in the Petition.

The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County -

Note that it appears to cover all of the items in the Petition form that your wife probably used. Since you agree to whatever your wife put in her Petition it would seem to be a waste of time to fill out that Response.

As an alternative you can either ignore the Petition and let it go to default or sit down with your wife and use the following Stipulation form to file a joint agreement to delay filing your Response pending the completion and filing of the consent decree.

STIPULATION (Agreement/Joint Motion/Joint Request); GN70f ; STP 5912 (
when I say everything they told me if I hire them for $600 bucks I won't even show up to court or see a judge.
They can tell you anything they want to induce you to hire them but as pointed out, they cannot give you legal advice. Whether or not to show up in court or appear before the judge is not something they can or should be advising you on. It would be a big mistake not to show up and answer any voir dire (questions) posed by your Ex or the judge. And judges want to know and be sure that the consent decree was entered into willingly.
Hello everyone.


So here I am months later. And if you read the start of the topic you will know how this started, well I never responded to the summons I agree with it, therefore this case has been approved (according to my ex) and finalized we are now officially divorced (according to my ex) now I have not got any copy of any kind of paperwork showing so. I moved to a different apartment when I believe they sent out the package, ( mail forwarding implemented)…. But I never and still haven't received anything. How can I get a copy of the judgment? Can I contact the court and ask for a copy or what should I do? I asked my ex for a copy of the paper work but she like F you!! Lol …. Also we both paying for health insurance for both of our kids that we now our sharing 50/50 custody. She has the kids under her policy she got from her union. I asked her a copy of the benefits/coverage to then compare to mine to see if is cost effective. According to her the judge ruled I should pay half of her insurance bill. But I need to see what the judge specifically ordered.

maybe I'm rambling to much this morning (ruff end of the week for me )

hope I made sense :)

thanks for the valuable input once more!
Start with the court website. Look up her name or your name.

Docket: Family Court Case History (

The case docket will tell you if the decree has been entered into the court records.

If it has, you can go downtown to the main court building and have a copy printed out for you.

Though I seem to remember being able to search records and get copies at the Justice Court locations which are a lot more convenient than going downtown.

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